Saturday, April 25, 2020

10 Years Old.

After cleaning the other day I came across this, the soon-to-be 21 YR old's old school project on the United nations when she was 10. Being that she was homeschooled( as all our kids were, right from the beginning and right thru) this kind of work and effort was common, unlike in Public school where you wouldn't get a project like this until highschool but homeschooling is advanced and requires much more effort. It makes me laugh too with the pandemic everyone isolated and confined and with the schools shut down forcing everyone to basically homeschool and they all complain how hard it is and how they struggle and they're going crazy after just under a month of it, and here we are, doing it over 25 years and we just laugh and laugh at them. For us it's just normal everyday life. No big deal. It was nostalgic seeing this though, reminding me of when the kids were younger, and it seems so long ago now. We've saved all of their old schoolwork too, from all the grades, in case we ever got reported by some busy-body and  the authorities ever showed up at our door demanding "proof" of our homeschooling plus we also have lawyers to back up our legal right to do so, and we have had to use a synopsis of the highschool curriculum to get the kids into university.

Speaking of the pandemic, it was interesting to note that the shut down happened just the beginning of Lent, which is 40 days before Easter, so it will also be interesting to see if it also ends at Pentecost, which is 40 days after Easter, and if it might have any significance there,any spiritual link somehow which I believe it does, that the plague is a sign, a warning,and a chastisement from God. Yesterday I also almost choked to death on my food,too; I was eating and talking at the same time( yeah, I know, dumb, but I was multi-tasking) and it went down the wrong hole and I strated violently choking and coughing trying to bring it back up again and it was hard to breathe and my chest hurt, my ribs hurt the cough and choking was so violent, my face went red, and I was sure my eyes would have popped blood-shot and I was gasping and wheezing and after 10 minutes or so the cough finally died down and whatever was stuck eventually made it's way down but it was scary. I also had a headache so bad I smoked so much weed for the pain my right eye went numb!

I also posted this  on a Facebook group I belong to( ironically a humour/joke group) and it was removed and I got banned from posting on the group until May for violating their standards; apparantly it was an offensive political statement. WTF? Are they serious? Really? It was just in reference to Trump stupidly advising people to inject disinfectant into their veins (duh!) to eradicate the Coronavirus.Just when I think he can't possibly get any dumber he still somehow manages. The sad thing is his dumb-ass followers will actually believe  him and try it,too, likely the same people who also eat Tide Pods. I also noticed now when I rub lotion on my legs the hairs all curl so I guess it's time now for a spring shave, and today wiping Buddy's ass (with a leaf) after he shit I also noticed his butt-hole looks 2-3 times bigger than usual and all swollen around it and then all of a sudden it hit me: everything all combined together: the large anus, the swelling, the bruising, the bleeding, the pain when he strains to's almost as if he's been raped  or something, but who, and why? What kind of sick f*ck  would rape a dog? ( or anybody, but seriously....a dog? WTF?) I can't even comprehend that, yet at the same time the injuries are consistant  with that....oh, my God, I don't even know what to think;  the possibility is just so beyond horrific; what else could it be? It just breaks my heart  to think someone could have possibly brutalized him like that ( and it might also explain what looks like ligature marks around his neck,too....) I can't even think  right now.....oh, my God!  I also realized that everyone I've ever loved, cared about, trusted, or gotten close to in my life has also either used me, betrayed me, or hurt me. Buddy is the only one that hasn't and if I find out someone really DID do that to him I will utterly DESTROY  THEM!!!!!

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