Thursday, September 30, 2021

Musing For Today.


Orange Shirt Day.

Today is the first-ever National Day of Truth & Reconciliation  also known as Orange Shirt Day a day to show solidarity, validation, support, etc. to the Indigenous kids and families that were victims and survivors of the horrific genocidal Residental Schools  that the gov't and the Catholic Church ran for over 100 years, stealing kids from their homes, erasing their culture and identity from them and abusing and often killing them, scarring familes and communities for generations and wearing an orange shirt is a sign of support, solidarity and showing you are an ally. I don't have an orange shirt of my own so I had to borrow one from my hubby who has 10 or so; pretty much all of his T-shirts are orange and it started when the kids were little and we'd go crowded places like amusement parks and he'd wear it to be easily visible in large crowds so if anyone ever got lost he'd stand out easily and be easily spotted but then it just sort of "stuck" and became his "thing" over the years; his signature Dad-style; orange shirt and tan pants but all of them but 1 had nerd sayings on them(generally calculus "jokes" that made no sense) so it was hard for me to find one that wasn't nerdy and for him wearing orange today was nothing out of the ordinary; it was just him getting dressed, and for the first time in his life he was expressing a political statement and never even knew it! It's shameful too how the gov't here still  treats Native people, like how the Roma are treated in Europe, and we have a Mohawk rez just about a 20 minute drive from here,too, and that's where I bought my mukkluks and I've bought weed there from one of their many dispensaries as well as everyting there's tax-free; the only good  thing the gov't ever did/gave to them, after royally screwing them over otherwise.

I also showed my mother this photo of 3 of my cousins(all brothers, and the one in the middle is the one that needs the kidney transplant) and she goes, I don't remember them looking like that! and I had to remind her that the last time she saw them and remembers them that they were also kids  and kids don't have beards, and she's always pointed out all of my short-comings too, even as a kid and I can still remember her always admonishing me to wear bangs to 'cover up my big high forehead" making me feel self-conscious about it and about my looks, and the other day I asked her as well to let me know when my hubby got back with the fried chicken for lunch(I was outside) except she didn't until after everyone else had already eaten and picked thru it, leaving only a couple of puny tiny little left-overs left, so that's all I got, making me feel like a dog waiting for whatever table-scraps are left over after the people have eaten and I was mad and insulted and the 26 YR old said I should be grateful! "Grateful?" for what? For being fed everyone else's left-overs? or for even being fed at all? They treat me like an after-thought,like a second-class citizen in my own family,and my hubby thinks he's an Alpha-Male too and gets to eat first and get first choice  of everything and always come first,too, but f*ck that; we're all equal!

This is also one of my fave. photos of the 18 YR old and I when she was younger, when she used to love me, and one of her dreams came true yesterday,too: I shaved  Buddy(like she always wanted me to) as someone had spilled sticky syrup or something on the carpet and he layed in it and it got all sticky and then dried hard all over his butt and back leg and even bathing didn't get rid of it so I had to shave it off and even that was hard; it took a long time and was meticulous and was quite an ordeal. To preserve his dignity I'm not going to post a photo of his shame although I did send one to the 18 YR old. While walking him the other day some dirty bird also flew by overhead and plopped a shit on his back, and I had a dream that I was in the ICU on life-support so I wonder if it's a "prediction" of some sort and will eventually end up happening,and the other day as I was in the tub a scab the size of my pinky-fingernail came out of my ass and floated to the surface of the water so I wonder what it was? After hitting the bong it also felt like the top of my head was tingling and my hair was standing on "end" and it's sad to realize as well I only have a month(maybe even less) to be sitting outside now, and my hubby always taunts and ridicules me for not getting the vaxx ,too, yet at the same time I also don't  see him rushing out to get his,either, and I heard a doctor has been disciplined as well for speaking out against the vax and telling people the truth, being censored and punished for not going along with the propaganda and for speaking the truth and many healthcare people are either being fired or quitting for refusing to get the Mark Of The Beast  and my mother said if she was still in the healthcare sector(and not retired) she would refuse to get it and would rather quit first too and she remembers when she was working the hospital always tried to coerce them into getting the Flu shot as well and most of them refused.

I've been putting out fire with gasoline.- David Bowie


Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Wordless Wednesday.


Thought For The Day.

When they censor us so-called anti-vaxxers....


Wednesday Words.

Some chocolate would be nice,too...

I do!

Nah....I think I'll pass.

Things often aren't as they appear.

Wait.....doesn't everybody?

I have to get my kids to open the child-proof lids for me.


I'm on a raft, desperately clinging for life.


Why Am I A Rastaman?

WHY AM I A RASTAMAN by Culture: A big question posed to me daily on the street Many want to know the reason why I am a Rastaman Many people ...