Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Today's Pondering.


Yesterday And Beyond.

Yesterday it was sooooo hot even with a breeze it just felt like a hair dryer blowing around hot air and I had to sleep topless with the A/C cranked up and today's supposed to be even hotter and even forecasted to break a record from over 30 years ago and with the humidex of 40 C! The mosquitoes are extra bad this year too and it's not just me thinking so as even the radio DJ said the same thing. It also wasn't supposed to rain the other night so I thought it was safe to leave my patio cushions out but guess what?......it did and they got all wet, and the SOLD sign on the house at the corner was taken down 2 days ago so I guess the new neighbours will be moving in sometime soon and I wonder as well how come grapes, mulberries, and black walnuts, for example, don't have blossoms but other fruits like apples, peaches, and cherries do, and my friend J(in Ottawa) was without electricity for 6 days following that bad storm over the long weekend until it finally got restored and 2 of my European cousins stayed at a castle  for their anniversary as well!

The PC Party also tried to get a motion passed in the gov't to finally end the travel restrictions and so that you don't have to be vaccinated to take a plane or train( and so that I could finally leave this shithole and go back to Jamaica, and, in fact, as soon as it was lifted I was going to contact my travel agent and be out of here!) but both the Liberals and NDP didn't pass it so it remains and I posted on Twitter in outrage that there's no way to escape unless you kill yourself and it got my account banned for 12 HRS as they said I was "promoting and encouraging" suicide which I wasn't; I wasn't telling people to actually go and do it; the point was that the only way out of this country is if you die because if you're unvaxxinated they don't let you leave. I also found out that there's cyanide in cherry pits and eating just 2-3 of them can kill you(if you do it right) so that's somrthing I'll have to keep in mind and I posed a question on my Facebook if I died would anyone miss me and 3 cousins and a handful of others said they would; not many yet still more than I expected, but I know my family wouldn't,(except for Buddy)and they'd even be glad, and have even told me as much and even tell me to go kill myself! 😢

6 Days after planting my sunflowers( I planted 24 or so) 3 little seedlings started to pop up and a week after there were 5, and one is seen here and the red/orange stuff you see in the photo is cayenne pepper I use as a repellent for squirrels.My mother's so lazy too all she does is sleep all day,and yesterday, for example, she didn't even get up until Noon and then was already back in bed for a nap at 2 pm and slept the rest of the day until 6-7 pm or so.....and then she wonders why  she has trouble sleeping at night when she sleeps all day  and I told her that she can't sleep all day and  all night, and it's like she's just waiting to die and will just rot away, and I have to force  her to get up and go outside and she yells at me to go away and bother someone else! and Stop nattering!( a word she always uses to describe me and I hate it; it reminds me of that annoying sound that pissed-off squirrels make) and yesterday Buddy kept whining ad humping my leg like he does when he's trying to alert me and when I looked in the mirror I noticed my lips were blue so maybe I'm going to have a heart-attack or something?

 Now he's 16 I also fear we don't have too much time left together and any dog I get next( I'm going to get a Chihuahua and name it either Beekis or Beja) will just be a mere "substitute"; not a "replacement"; nothing  can ever 'replace" him; he's one-of-a-kind,  and I'm too f*cked-up for anyone to love except for him and he either doesn't know or doesn't care that I'm f*cked-up,and what really broke me and finished me off  and shattered me  beyond repair causing me to finally give up; give up on life, on motherhood, on family, on everything, was when the 19 YR old shut down and started hating me after we used to be so close and when she "broke" and was suicidal, had anorexia and was self-harming at 14 and not only shut me out but directed the worst of her rage and anger towards me and I bore the brunt of her hate(probably because she knew I was "safe" and I would still love her anyway, which I did, and I do, even though it destroyed me, but she did recover so it was worth it but it gutted me and hurt so much.) It's true though the ones you love the most also hurt you the most.

The sun dies until it's reborn.-Sam Roberts


Sunday, May 29, 2022

Truth For Today.



Thursday is the provincial election and I used to always be an NDP supporter(being that they are Socialists, or at least used to be, the closest thing to Marxists) and vote for them but no more. I now feel betrayed and disillusioned ever since federal NDP leader Jagmeet Singh (pictured here)  became a traitor and betrayed us and basically formed a coalition with the ruling corrupt  Liberals, guaranteeing Trudeau more years in power and thru securing their own party's status and power as Official Opposition but in doing so selling out. They used  to be for the working class, the common man, the average Joe, fighting for the people, the unions, the downtrodden against  the oppression of Big gov't but no more. Now they have joined  it and betrayed the very people they once used to stand up for and defend. They have sold us out and betrayed us. I used to like and admire Jagmeet Singh too and I even read his book., Now I am disgusted by him. He's a hypocrite  as well and being a devout practicing sikh his faith is against abortion too yet here he is personally supporting it. Then there's also the provincial NDP leader Andrea Horwath pushing for gun control (which I support and even though it won't stop  gun violence; mass shootings and school shootings, etc. it also won't make it as easy for them) here is her son( pictured below who looks like a school shooter!) and although you can't always blame parents for their bad kids the Chinese proverb If you can't lead a family you can't lead a country  also rings true.

The other day I also saw 2 raccoons, one on our pool deck and another on our front veranda( unless it was the same one?).....during the day, even though they're nocturnal and they normally don't come out until  night when it's dark, yesterday was one of my cousins in Europe's anniversary; 28 th but they've been together for 33 years, and I bet I know what they did last night( nudge, nudge, wink, wink!) and there's still some middle-age people that have a happy marriage and a healthy sex life(I'm just NOT one of them) and my friend J(from grade 8) said she's never even been out of the country which shocked and surprised me, esp. having travelled myself to 37 countries. There's a whole world  out there that she's never seen and I just find that incredibly sad, Buddy's been really whining alot the past few days as well and it really gets on my nerves but I have to remind myself that he's old and in pain and he's just trying to communicate his needs to me and I have to try and be understanding, and tomorrow and the next day are supposed to be really hot too, 30 C and 31 C with humidex around 36 C or so!

I also noticed I have this big deep cut on my toe I must have got from cutting my toenail too deep and now it's big and red and really hurts so likely infected(I go around barefoot even outside; I'm a hippie like that) and I was trying to listen to my Saturday morning radio show outside yesterday as well but noticed the wire on my  Bluetooth  speaker had been cut (just like 3 times on my headphones as well....."coincidence".....I think NOT!) and it's new and I only used it once, and I'm pretty sure I know who did it,too,  who's the one always complaining about how much they hate my music...and my hubby excuses it's just wear and tear(yeah,from just using it once?) and the 27 YR old said maybe the mice bit it? except it's a clean cut not jagged.....nice try....and it wasn't charged either as it kept saying battery low....battery low...(my hubby found out I had been charging it wrong the entire time using the wrong cord).so then I had to find a radio I could use(I can't get it on my iPod  using the app because I can't get wifi outside) and my mother has the only one and she was out at the lab getting bloodwork done and wasn't here and not using it anyway so I unplugged it and plugged it in the kitchen near the back door and left the door open and was able to get my show...and then put it back once it was over before she even got back but she was furious I borrowed it and didn't ask( even though she wasn't even here,and besides, what can she say? She's always taking my stuff without asking and I am here!) but she's never been good with sharing or taking turns though(and yesterday again it was still my turn to listen to my music in the rec-room, which also used to be my quiet little nook to do my computer first before she moved her bed down here and took over, and she didn't even wait until my time was up and just turned mine off and turned hers on when it was still my turn and didn't even wait for her turn) and I told her, You never went to Kindergarden and it shows!

"It's dangerous to be right when the government is wrong." —Voltaire


Saturday, May 28, 2022

Daily Laff.

Yessss!!!! Father of The Year!!


Sayings For Saturday.

When I posted this on my Facebook  they deleted it!(so I just re-posted it.)

Klaus Schwab. F*cking pervert!

Classic 1967 model.

Although being rich really wouldn't be so bad though...

You either direct your hurt and anger inward or outward.

Or the empty milk in the fridge!


I'm just so tired of everything.


Why Am I A Rastaman?

WHY AM I A RASTAMAN by Culture: A big question posed to me daily on the street Many want to know the reason why I am a Rastaman Many people ...