Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Wordless Wednesday.


Daily Thought.


Life Goes On.

I got more sunflowers yesterday! Everyone is also safely back home and the BC Girls's flight was delayed over an hour late going back,too, and I keep telling them NOT to take shitty Air Canada but they never listen even though I've travelled extensively( to 37 countries in 5 continents) and have taken dozens of airlines and have enough experience to know which airlines are good ( I like Lufthansa and KLM the best) and which ones suck( and Air Canada is the worst; the worst at public service and being rude, worst at delays and cancellations, worst at losing luggage,etc.) and I would rather swim across the ocean than ever take Air Canada ever again and I'll never forget after already flying 12 HRS from Moscow to Helsinki to Montreal on Aeroflot and Finnair with no problems(and we were tired and just wanted to go home) then Air Canada being delayed 6 hours  for the rest of the way home( 1 hour left) and when I inquired about the delay being abruptly told to Just look on the monitor!  and when an 80-something year old woman also asked they yelled at her, shut-up old lady! Never again.
I was also saddened to hear former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev died yesterday. I always liked him. He was one of the Good Guys and was instrumental in reforming Russia and in ending the Cold War and in bringing down the Berlin Wall and uniting Germany. I didn't realize he was 91 though! Time goes by so fast!

My hubby also brought back some pani puri from Toronto! I just love these things! They're just so airy, crispy and crunchy;like Indian chips! He said the CNE was a "bust" as it was waaay over-crowded and everything was sold-out and line-ups went on forever and they didn't have alot of the stuff they used to but the 27 YR old said it was good and he still enjoyed it though although everything was twice as expensive as it used to be and he was going to try the new mustard or ketchup ice cream( I know, ewww, right?) except the line was too long. He also had a jiu-jitsu in Toronto over the weekend while they were there which worked out perfectly and there was a pool at the hotel,too, and bought kangaroo meat at the "Ex" as well and I'm going today and will post about it tomorrow. I tried to put on my sunflower necklace too but found it's something else I can no longer do anymore; open and close the tiny clasp on necklaces; my fingers are too short and stubby and I have no nails and my arthritis is so bad and I also don't have the co-ordination or the dexterity anymore so I'll have to see if I can get my hubby yo do it when he wakes up. I hate not being able to do simple normal every day things that I used to.

I needed him and he needed me
I found him and he found me
We helped heal eachother.

It's also a sad sight to see the kids' old abandoned swingset in the backyard now and the sandbox now overgrown with weeds and deflated balls in the yard, a sign of their long-gone childhood, now just a memory of times past, and my mother also wrote "Jamaican" as "Jamaken" and when I told her she asked How do you spell 'Jamaican' then? and I told her, It's just 'Jamaica' with an 'N' at the end and then she goes, But how do you spell 'Jamaica?' She also spelled "gold" as "oild" and "squeeze" as "squeez" "orange" as "granet" and "cherry" as "cheer" and it really worries me; either she forgot English or how to spell but either way her mind isn't "right" and I can't believe it's back to school on Tuesday already and I can still remember the anxiety I always felt on the first day, so bad I was sick to my stomach and I still have nightmares remembering and re-living it all these decades later, and this Labour Day weekend there's a dinky local fair as well that's so redneck they even have BINGO, arm wrestling, tractor pulls, etc.Yeah....I think I'll pass.😂

And when I wish it all would turn to black I try to see the light and push the darkness back.-Three Days Grace


Tuesday, August 30, 2022

The Worst Thing About Depression.

You don’t look forward to anything.

Past present future, all the same. Taste the same. Feel the same.

Nothing excites you, nothing matters.

You cross the street without looking because hey, there is nothing you really care about. Whether you live or die, what difference does it make ?

The things you used to love are boring now. You feel like doing nothing but stay home and sleep until this is over.

Everyday is the same day. It’s grey, endless, boring, tasteless.

POINTLESS. Everything is pointless.

With nothing to look forward to … what’s the point ?

-Ann Obi on Quora


Truth For Today.


Tuesday Thoughts.

Shit! I thought that was today!

The story of my life.

No "pussy" music here!

We're balanced together ocean upon the sky.-Heart


Why Am I A Rastaman?

WHY AM I A RASTAMAN by Culture: A big question posed to me daily on the street Many want to know the reason why I am a Rastaman Many people ...