Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Wordless Wednesday.


Musing For The Day.


Hit The Road!

Yesterday the road crew came by and re-paved the road, which I would think is finally the end of it all and just in time,too, as today we're getting a shitload of torrential rain( which would normally be lots of snow at this time except it's 8 C) and first thing this morning taking Buddy out to go to the bathroom I could only find one shoe( doesn't it just figure; my typical "luck?") and I didn't have time to go looking around all over for it as he had to go pee so I just grabbed a boot and had on one shoe and one boot. I also now have exactly 100 photos in my construction photo album on my Facebook from beginning to end. It's raining so hard as well Buddy got smart: there was a shovel leaning up against the wall outside the side of the house and he's short(being a Dachshund) so he just slipped under the shovel for shelter, squatted down and peed! Now that's really using his brain! I also burned my finger picking up a hot candle and now I have this big blister on it and yesterday had this baaad headache so I smoked weed to relieve it but then it just kept on coming back again. I also heard some losers vandalized the Christmas lights display in town too(broke and stomped on) causing 10K in damage and I can't understand though why someone would do something like that; I mean why, and what posesses someone to want to do something like that,anyway? it's like smashing someone's pumpkins on Hallowe'en( and we also have a neighbour who has not only his Christmas lights up now but also still has his Hallowe'en pumpkins out on his porch,too!) It's just mean!

It's also sad to realize that despite my crowded crooked ugly teeth I can only ever afford 5-6 veneers and never an entire mouth full so the next-best thing is to just smile with my mouth closed, and I might have come across a possible answer to my medical issues( stomach/ liver pain, extreme fluid retention esp. in my belly and legs, fatigue, brain "fog", jaundice, etc.) :portal hypertension: elevated pressure in my portal venous system; the main vein leading to my liver caused by liver failure, as it would explain my symptoms, but the bad news is it's almost always terminal ending in either heart-attack or stroke or hemmorage(unless you get a liver transplant), but hey, you gotta die of something eventually, right? Being a starseed(as well as autistic) also explains why I'm always so awkward and clumsy too; I'm not used to the confines of a physical human body and it's hard to adjust and also why I always long to be free and fly, and my whole life I've always had someone holding something "over" me as well, not wanting my secrets to get out and it will be nice to one day be free.Brampton( near Toronto) also passed a Fascist law banning all fireworks now(with a 1000$ fine) and alot of East Indians live there too and celebrate Diwali ( where they do lots of fireworks) so it'll affect their cultural celebrations and they also banned election lawn signs,too, saying they "look ugly." Is there anything that this Fascist shithole isn't going to ban? What will they ban next? Christmas lights?

Scratch the surface There's something living on the other side.-Sloan


Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Daily Laff.


Tuesday Thoughts.

I need a break from BOTH.



A wise woman once said, "F*ck it, I'm getting a hippo!" and she lived happily ever after.


Musing For The Day.