Saturday, September 30, 2023

Thought For The Day.


Orange Shirt Day.

Today is Orange Shirt Day also known as Truth & Reconciliation Day, a day to listen, learn, and remember the horrific history of the Indigenous Residential Schools  and other atrocitices and genocide the Indigenious people have suffered in this shithole under colonialism and that still continue today. A day to hear their voices and to listen to their stories and to hear their history; the real history that was never taught in schools and that was covered up.It makes me angry with rage how this country acted and still does with such shame and indignity. It makes me embarrased and mad and makes me hate this shithole even more.The gov't still isn't honouring the treaties they made with the Indigenous people,either, and even now, hundreds of years later are still screwing them over and building on their land, for example, without their permission and many of their communities still have unsafe drinking water and no indoor plumbing , electricity, and unsanitary Third-World living conditions.It's shameful.

I also had this weird dream that my mother and I were wading in waist-high water in the street, like there was a flood, and today I'm going to a Greek festival(opa!) and visiting her afterwards since I'm already in the same area(and I'll bring her some food; I hope they have moussaka!) and one of my American Facebook friends also said she had to pay 40K for her C-section as well but insurance paid most of it and she "only" had to pay 5K but still.....holy shit....and one of the 28 YR old's clients at work gave him a bottle of wine which I think was nice, and now the leaves are changing colour and falling but the temps are nice and warm still like summer and I love it.

My hubby also complained that my 4 cheese penne pasta salad costs more than his roast chicken and I told him it's because it's better and when he asked if I know how much is costs(11$) I told him I know and I don't care; we all have to pay for the important things in life, and I like to enjoy the little things in life,too, like the simple pleasure of washing my hair , a nice bath-bomb in a warm bath,or the feeling of the sun on my face. For some reason I also got the idea into my head I was going to die yesterday as well and I was all excited and looking forward to it....and of course I didn't, so now I'm disappointed and was mad to wake up today to find I was still alive; awww, shit, I'm still here... and the gov't now wasted over 2 million$ on some clean water project for the Great Lakes when the $$$ could have gone to much better use instead to help the homeless shelters, foodbanks, refugees, etc. They're so good at wasting $$$$!

”I was once lost, But now I am found.”-Shannon Aumock


Weekend Words.

I'm still alive. Does that count?

So eat what you like and enjoy life.


I would never betray Buddy like that but my hubby delights in it.

My hubby.

Another reason not to be a 'ho.

He'd soar like an eagle on the hill Where he went when he ran from the raging storm.-The Payola$


Thought For The Day.