Saturday, June 29, 2024

Thought For The Day.


Long Weekend.

I took these photos of the clouds the other day( not today as it's raining and even going to storm which will sadly ruin the airshow,too) and it originally looked like a heart but by the time I fumbled around to get just the right shot the clouds had shifted and I'd missed the moment and it was gone. Just like with sunsets; it goes so fast you have to capture it at just the right exact moment and mere seconds count. It's also a long holiday weekend so my asshole neighbour will be setting off fireworks under my bedroom window again for the next few nights as well  but hopefully he won't be able to tonight with the rain. Yesterday I also saw a search & rescue chopper flying by our house flying low quickly followed by a police chopper so I wonder if some fugitive was on the loose and they were looking for him?

This morning is also the first time in a week that my indigestion hasn't woken me up during the night(yay!) and it makes me wonder too with the baaad indigestion for the past week, the extreme sweating and the  upper back pain if maybe it's even my heart? Maybe my poor old broken heart just couldn't take it anymore and just finally gave up? I also felt like something pulsing just above my belly-button yesterday,too, and it felt like a little heart beat and it made me smile because it reminded me of when I was prego. it's probably something like an abdomenal aortic aneurysm though with my luck.It's "funny" too I just realized even though I'm left-handed I hold my joints in my right  hand! I love my dreads so much as well I still even have them as my hairstyle in all my dreams at night,too.

I also love this funky tie-dyed shirt, and my hubby refers to alot of my things as Smelly Stuff which incl. my weed, bath-bombs, essential oils, incense, spicy ethnic foods cooking, air freshners, etc. and it's also Canada Day on Monday but I never go to any of the celebrations as it would be sort of hypocritical to do so when I hate this shithole, it's done me wrong so many times, and there's nothing for me to celebrate, and I still remember this guy I liked when I was 20 and first met in Ottawa on 1 July 1988,too; he was kind and sweet and soft-spoken and I was attracted to him but he had schizophrenia and was on disability and lived in a rooming-house with other recovering addicts and sometimes worked as a janitor and didn't have any $$$ so we'd just hang out at eachother's places or ride our bikes around and I wanted more out of life and also didn't want my kids to inherit mental illness so it never went anywhere but we were great friends.....yet ironically I didn't know at the time that I also had mental illness and that the guy I would later go on to marry did as well and that my kids would still end up inheriting it anyway.
Life always seems to still have a way of f*cking you over in the end anyway.

Time will tell on their power minds Making war just for fun Treating people just like pawns in chess Wait till their judgement day comes, yeah!-Black Sabbath


Friday, June 28, 2024

OWN it!!!

Only a fool would call someone crazy for thinking louder than others.-JamesEHicksJr.


Today's Laff.


Lecken Mein Arsch Twitter!!

I'm just sooooo mad!! Yesterday that f*cker Twitter (I refuse to ever call it X because it just sounds so stoopid) locked my account for 24 HRS saying I posted something "threatening & violent" when it wasn't anything in the least like that so I appealed it but it pisses me off because it was unjustified! The original post was You wouldn't drink tap water if you knew what they put in it and so I agreed with him, adding, You might as well just drink out of the sewer or the toilet,meaning it's the same to do that as drinking tap water.
What's so violent and threatening about that? I wasn't even telling anyone to actually drink out of the sewer or toilet, it was a comparison, and even if I was, that's not violent; it's not like I said I was going to bomb or shoot up something! So for 24 HRS I could just read posts but not post myself, reply, forward(re-post) or like and the ban ends later tonight.

So then of course I sent in an appeal.....but to do that I had to "prove I'm not a robot" and instead of just the simple 1-2 things to click on they had me do this  stupid thing above I couldn't figure out and not just once but 20 of them and if you even did  just one wrong you had to go back and re-do them all again( not just the ones you got wrong) and of course I did and had to re-do them(because I'm stupid and since they're small and some look alike and I don't see too well,either) and it took an HOUR before I finally got them all right and at first I couldn't even figure out what I was even supposed to do or even understand it and I called my hubby to explain it to me and he was mad I interrupted him for something so "stupid and unimportant"(but it was important to me; I wanted to sumbit my appeal and get my account back!)...and then after all that they said it could still take up to a week for them to review it....shit....but then luckily when I got up this morning to check it my account had been fully restored.
But f*ck them though.
They can suck it!

Yesterday I also saw more planes flying overhead practicing for the long holiday weekend airshow, incl. the Snowbirds that went loudly whistling by and sounded like when bombs drop and I just hope that they couldn't also see me out there in my yard suntanning topless (they were flying low and if a satellite all the way up in space can clearly see a car license plate here on Earth....)and even though it was only 21 C and not even hot I was sweating like crazy and it was all dripping and pouring down me so it must be hot-flashes from menopause and all the flies kept landing on me too(like on those dying kids in Africa) so it's official: not only am I old now, but decrepit, decaying, and decomposing,too! HA! 

My indigestion also kept waking me up from 1 am again,too,even though I never even had any spicy food.My hubby also thought the dirty/clean magnet you flip over on the dishwasher got thrown out not knowing I saved it and put it on the fridge(even though all he had to do was ask) so he ordered a new one,and my dreams did come true as well; I did travel like I wanted to ( 39 countries so far)and had kids but the getting married and having kids part didn't turn out how I'd thought, hoped, and expected though and ended up being a dream that turned into a nightmare, and I bet my last final dying words will also be:
Either Oh, shit or f*ck
Take good care of Buddy
I'm sorry for being me.

The lesson here is no matter how … intense some beliefs are , people are people they just try to find their own meaning in the world.-Rogelio Z

Spark One Up.

Self-care is important.

She's getting high (ooh) trying to fly the sky.-Bob Marley


Thursday, June 27, 2024

Don't Lose Your Sparkle.

I found this on Facebook:

To the woman who has lost her spark.
To the woman whose get up and go, has well and truly gone.
This is for you.
This is to remind you, that you don’t have to be everything to everyone, every day.
You didn’t sign up for that.
Remember when you used to laugh? Sing?
Throw caution to the wind?
Remember when you used to forgive yourself more quickly for not always being perfect.
You can get that back again.
You really can.
And that doesn’t have to mean letting people down or walking away.
It just means being kinder to you, feeling brave enough to say no sometimes.
Being brave enough to stop sometimes.
And rest.
It starts the moment you realise that you’re not quite who you used to be.
Some of that is good, some of that is not.
There are parts of you that need to be brought back.
And if anyone in your life is not okay with that… they are not your people. Your people will be glad to see that spark starting to light up again.
So, if you have been slowly fading away my friend, this is the time to start saying yes to things that bring you joy and no to things that don’t.
It’s really pretty simple.
Donna Ashworth


Daily Pondering.


Life Day By Day.

This is our old dishwasher. Yesterday we got our new one( shown below). The old was was a General Electric  and the new one is LG. The new one is all digital and only takes 2 hours to do opposed to 4 hours like the old one and it doesn't leak and make a puddle of water all over the kitchen floor,either and it's so quiet too and doesn't make that really loud chug,chug,chug sound like the old one did and it cleans so well too the 29 YR old was impressed and said, Look how shiny everything is! and he was happy to finally have clean dishes too and exclaimed in joy, Ooooh, look at all the forks! The guy also had to shut off all the power when he installed it and asked me about it and of course I have no idea about any of that stuff( or even where the thing is  to turn it off) so I had to get my hubby.

Here is the new one, all shiny and  brand-spanking new, and last night we also had a pretty pink sunset and today I still have the feeling of a "lump" in my throat and the indigestion which feels like a burning deep in my chest so now antacids are my best friend( actually Buddy is but they're my second best friend) and I keep popping them for the past couple of days) and today it woke me up at 5 am even though it had been 12 hours since I last ate and I hope that's all it is though and NOT my heart because I'm NOT missing that Billy Idol concert I have tickets for in August no matter what as I waited over 40 years for this!

It was also this kind of day yesterday and I was sweating like a pig with sweat just dripping and pouring off me and down my face and my shirt got soaked and then when I came in to check the weather the humidex was 31 C so no wonder and then later I got this massive headache and I knew we were getting rain which we did, lots of it and I had to pick another tick off Buddy as well and this one was already starting to embed itself under his neck into all the saggy wrinkles and skin folds.

I finally got my poutine last night too....only it cost a whopping 12$.....just for fries from a chip wagon which I think is expensive and even worse than a Big Mac! They did give me a plastic fork though which was a bonus and endeared me to them, and it was good(and I shared with Buddy and he liked it,too) but that's outrageous, and that was just for a small,too; the regular size cost 18$! It reminded me of every summer in Jr. High my friend D and I would go to the fry place and get fries & gravy every day for lunch. I also saw a recent photo of my friend I(from grade 8) and she got fat with age and menopause now,too, and it just goes to show that beauty and being thin doesn't last, and just look at what happened to Elvis and Marlon Brando!

Isn't this just the cutest and sweetest thing ever? I just looove him so much! I also heard that whistle-blower Julian Assange has finally been freed but it makes me suspicious that after all that they'd just let him go like that and I bet it's some sort of set-up and he'll be assassinated soon. I still remember too when I was a kid and I saw the creamy white Tame hair conditioner and I blurted out Ewww! It looks like sperm! and my mother just had this odd look on her face and goes, ...and HOW exactly would you know that? and the fear hit me and I froze in panic, realizing that I'd accidently implicated myself and almost revealed my deepest, darkest secret of being molested for years....and then quickly "saved" it by mumbling, Uh, just a guess....and then nothing more was ever said about it, and I'm so used to living with secrets but in hindsight I should have just let it out and that would have been my opportunity to tell her but I was afraid, afraid and ashamed and embarrassed, and so used to hiding it had just become my second-nature.
My avatar also got new clothes.

Fly Rasta.-Ziggy Marley


Thoughts For Thursday.

I think of that all the time.

Making mix tapes.

Un-learn the lies.

All the time.

On every school and public bathroom wall in the 70's.

Forgot the wasps.

If I drove this would sooooo be me.

I love him as if he was.

Always and forever.

That's me after 11 kids.

We had outside and our imaginations.

Long may you run-Neil Young


Thought For The Day.