Sunday, June 30, 2024

Daily Truth.


Just Another Day.

I found another skirt I liked, sort of a Batik style and this morning I used my last Mother's Day bath-bomb, the rainbow one and as it plopped into the running bath water and swirled around it looked tie-dye and turned the water a light pink colour. I'm also going to visit my mother today but not next week as my hubby has to work. Yesterday it also rained all day and torrential rain,too, 26 mm and alot of the airshow got cancelled which is kind of sad (esp. considering all the planning and work they put into it) and they even had an aerobatic team come all the way from Italy,too, but hopefully today it will be better for them. I also accidently "butt-dialed" myself only with the camera so I ended up with a fuzzy photo of the inside of my pocket. HA! I also can't understand or wrap my head around why other countries sanctioned Russia for the Ukraine conflict yet continue to look the other way with Israel's genocide in Gaza( and they bombed yet another UN school as well, killing civilians, incl. many children). Why do they get a "free pass" anyway?

I also have trouble too distinguising if I really am as stupid, worthless, and useless as I believe and think I am or if I've just been gaslit and "conditioned"  so much to think so by the narcissists, bullies, and abusers in my life, and how can I tell the difference, and the hardest life lesson I've learned the hard way as well is  it's always the ones you least expect and to never let your guard down or trust anyone either  or confide in anyone or reveal your secrets because as soon as you do that's when they will use that vulnerability against you and betray you.

There are people who were very important to me that simple fade away as the bond is pulled further and further apart.-Mary Jane


Sunday Stuff.

WTF is up with that anyway?

I'm more like Ursula the sea hag from The Little Mermaid

Wouldn't whales do IT from behind though I'd think?

Only God and my dog.

I was betrayed by everyone I ever loved or cared about.

One of me is bad enough.

I don't kiss ass, suck-up, or jump thru hoops.

Eat it or starve or make your own.

Sometimes you didn't have enough time during a commercial break to both pee and get a snack and had to choose.

Esp. when it's one of your own kids.

When I was alone, I felt amazing and whole.-Kathleen Godfrey


Thought For The Day.