Friday, October 4, 2024

Musing For Today.

I really, really don't.



Look what I saw yesterday on our back porch fence: a snail! It was alive too because I saw it moving and I didn't have to rush too much to get the photos(seen here) since well, you know, snails don't exactly move too fast ( ha,ha) and a friend of mine when I posted the photos up on my Facebook page said she hoped I let it free and didn't eat it and I reassured her that I did as I don't have any garlic butter,anyway, ha,ha. It also made me wonder too how snails(and escargot in French simply is just the word meaning snail) reproduce, with the shell and all so I Googled  it and apparantly they are hermaphrodites meaning they have both male & female sex organs but they still DO mate( how they manage that with the shell though I have no idea unless, of course, they come out of the shell to f*ck?) and then they lay eggs. OK, who knew? I never knew that. Did you? It's also "officially" fall now too I put my shorts and short-sleeve shirts away and no longer go around barefoot but wear socks and long pants and long-sleeve shirts now and I've lost so much weight now too the pants are soooo big and keep falling down so I have to tie a shirt around the waist.

Yesterday my mother's doctor's office also called and left a message on the machine(I didn't pick up as I didn't recognize the number)  saying she'd closed up her practice and said about how to transfer her medical records,etc. not that it matters anymore anyway though since luckily she's now at the LTC home and they have all that and she gets treated there anyway but she was only practicing for a couple of years though so I guess she couldn't stand living here either and left. I also heard another 13 YR old in Toronto stabbed and killed a guy  in his 50's and another 13 YR old girl that was in that group of 8 that killed that homeless guy also only got 21 month's probation too as they felt "sorry" for her "humiliating" strip-searches she had to endure, etc. blah,blah,blah. WTF? Who cares!! She *KILLED* someone for a no-good reason and should spend the rest of her life in PRISON!

I also had to bring my plants inside now it's cold at night and so now they reside back in front of the windows in the rec-room.  and I was talking to the 29 YR old's ex-GF's mother( we're still friends) and she said they were all set to move to North Carolina ( Asheville I think it was) where her brother and his family lives but that's where the hurricane hit really bad so for now a friend of theirs offered them to stay temporarily at their extra house in the mountains in California so for the meantime they're staying there until they decide what to do next and where to move now and for the 29 YR old's ex and her new hubby to find jobs( her parents are retired now)etc.  instead but I told her it just means that something better is ahead and God has other plans for them.

I also saw on the news that someone was arrested and charged with "inciting hate" just for having a Hezbollah flag ( so much for freedom of expression)  and Facebook gave me another suggested friend and it was a girl I went to school with in grade 12 and it made me wonder how they even know I know these people and it was weird too as it said she graduated in 1990 even though we were in grade 12 together and I graduated in that means she graduated 5 years later than I did, so how long exactly WAS she in  highschool for? She must have been pretty dumb  yet her profile also said she went to university for psychology,too.... Lately I'm also getting really fed-up with Buddy peeing and shitting all over the house now,too( he's so old and incontinent most of the time I don't even think he realizes he's doing it) just like my mother used to do before she went into the LTC home last year, and I'm just so tired and fed-up with everything lately and so weary and just tired of life.

But there are dreams that cannot be And there are storms we cannot weather.-Les Miserables


Words For The Weekend.

Hypocrisy of the West.

Best insult ever.



"How come you wrap a hamster in electrician's tape?"
"So it doesn't explode when you f*ck it."

My all-time fave. English word!

Ya, 'mon.

Das ist Mich!

Sad but true.

So much for that!!!!

I soooo need this!😂😂

Math is the bane of my existance!!

C'est moi!

My Spirit Animal.

The Original. The one-and-only.

And what mi get is not what mi want (this journey)-Alborosie


Musing For Today.

I really, really don't.