Thursday, October 31, 2024

Pondering For Today.


F*ck It All.

Yesterday was an absolutely glorious summer-like day we sat outside all day and I even skipped my nap to stay out in the sun because today is the last day and I wanted to soak up as much of outside and the sun and nice weather as long as I can because I know it won't last. I even got a nice tan on my face,too, which was nice since my summer tan is fading. I like also to see the breeze rustling thru the trees and watching the leaves flutter down and gently float and sail down to the ground and it's fun too every time a breeze passes by to try and guess which leaves are going to let go. I want to let go and drift away too but God still won't take me yet.Today it's supposed to also break yet another record like yesterday and go up to 23 C but then rain in the evening and night( ha, ha on the little Satanists tonight!) and maybe even a thunderstorm and then down to a more seasonal 10C or so the rest of the time so my outside time is probably over now after today.

The 30 YR old was also dressed up like a cowboy out of one of those lame old Clint Eastwood movies and I asked him, forgetting today is Satan's Day, Why are you dressed up like a cowboy? and he said he's going to a party, and my hubby said to "redeem" himself from last night f*cking up my food he'll pick me up a decent  snack tonight after pickleball( but late, so I have to stay up late) so I'll see if he really does or not...but I felt really gypped, and cheated.
and I'm still hungry from yesterday,too.

I also don't know if I'm more disappointed with my bomber jacket or dreads but I think probably the dreads since I spent so much $$$ on them and I was really looking forward to them and it was supposed to be one of those things that made me feel better about myself  ,picked me "up",and something that makes life worth living,bring a bit of joy into my life, and something to get all excited and happy about each day and then I got all let-down and disappointed.
Like usual.
The story of my life.
It feels like my whole life  is just one BIG disappointment.
One after another.

The locs are just tooo dark and I don't look good with dark hair.
Not that I look "good" anyway but I look better with lighter hair
 and I can't even get my $$$ back or even an exchange because I had it custom-made.
Did you also know that it's next to impossible to find dog turds amongst the leaves?


F*ck it all.
I'm just so tired of this shit.
Getting excited about something good and looking forward to something finally nice to get happy and feel good about  and then......
Always being disappointed in life.

My final act of love is staying away from u for the rest of my life-Jynx


Thursday Thoughts.

Wow! A whole 15 minutes a day? Can you spare it? How "generous!"😂

This drives my hubby nuts!

Pretty much.


An asshole neighbour once called Buddy a f*ckin' hotdog.

Some days that's all you can do.


Honour lasts longer than looks anyway.

Or Italian mothers.

My hubby, the bastard.

You get what you give.

Mine gives me a reason to live.

'Cause freedom Is no small thing We punish the child For flying too high For rushing like the wind.-Tears For Fears


Thought For The Day.