Monday, November 26, 2018

Christmas Ficus.

  I haven't got the energy or stamina to put up the Christmas tree and the kids aren't going to do it, so all I could do was decorate the Ficus tree(pictured here, although it's hard to see in the photo here) with a bit of garland and a few ornaments, so it's our Christmas Ficus. I guess this will have to be our Christmas tree this year. Even just doing that wiped me out and winded me. It didn't take very long but with my debilitating fatigue I was out of breath, sweaty and felt faint and had to go lay down. That's what my life's been reduced to now; I can only do one small task and then I have to lay down and rest in-between.
 This is also my Christmaspotamus.I put tinsel around him to make him more festive and now he sits on the coffee table in the livingroom. I just hope and pray that the kids don't "sabotage" him in any way(like they usually do with my stuff). He's borrowed from my hippo collection in my bedroom. I also did the indoor Christmas decor but had to break it up over a 2 day period as it would have just been too much. I did the wreaths one day and the other stuff the next.

 These are also our outdoor Christmas lights. I bet you can even see them from space!I know, the picture if off-centre; something went wrong with it and I hit a wrong key by accident and now I don't know how to get it back. My hubby puts them up every year except last year he went on strike and was too lazy to do it but put the blame on me( like he always does; everything's always my fault) saying  "ruined" it by taking them down "wrong" even though I was only trying to help(and if he had his way they would still be up there until Easter which is really tacky) but somehow no matter what I do or how good my intentions are, everything always seems to backfire on me and I always get blamed for everything ; the story of my life.

 My mother also said we're waiting until the 23rd for the 22 YR old and her BF to arrive and we're having them put up and decorate the tree for Christmas since his family doesn't celebrate and he's never put up a Christmas tree before and it'll be a whole new experience for him and we want to make it extra special. It'll be weird though, only having it up for 1-2 weeks.It reminds me of one my aunts; she put hers up on Christmas Eve. To me, that just doesn't seem to be long enough to really and truly be able to enjoy it, esp. considering all the work it takes to put it up and take it down.

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