Friday, December 28, 2018

Big Brother.

This message showed up when I was running a virus scan on my computer. I don't know if it's true or not, and if so, who's doing it; my hubby keeping tabs on me(like trying to locate this new blog, perhaps?) or the police or the gov't after the 15 YR old got caught in a sting downloading illegal shit, or what, or if it's just some sort of scare-tactic to get me to upgrade my security to a higher, more expensive level . Either way, I must admit it was unnerving, knowing that someone may be spying on me, monitoring my Internet activities and keeping track of every site I go to, even though I'm not doing anything bad, wrong, immoral, or illegal. It's not like I go to terrorist websites, or search the Dark Web, engage in arms trading or child porn or any other illegal activities or anything but what I'm really suspecting it probably most likely is my hubby put some sort of tracking device or something on my computer( esp. since computers is his business and he does monitor the online activities of everyone in the house, and he seems so intent on finding my new blog I now keep hidden from them since he kept sabotaging my last one by editing and deleting stuff he didn't like) and it pisses me off, like I have no freedom and independence away from him and from them, no life of my own, nothing I can have just for myself, away from their scrutiny, prying, monitoring, criticism, ridicule, bullying, judgement,and intrusion.

  At least if it is my hubby trying to find this new blog I try to keep hidden(and I always clear my history after I post here,too) it's still to my advantage in a way as he doesn't know that I know he knows and in a way that still keeps me safe and feeling secure as he still can't sabotage it or edit or delete anything in it anymore and try and censor me or ruin it anymore because if he did then he'd reveal himself that he found it, that he knows, letting me know that he's found it, giving me the advantage. It's kind of like a battle strategedy, and I always have to try and be one step ahead. Plus, no matter what I post here he can't ever say anything about it or mention it,either, because then again it would be giving himself away, a clue letting me know that he knows and that he reads it, also something that he's always denied and says he doesn't do, so even if he has found it, monitors it, and reads it, he's sort of "stuck" now and can't do anything to it anyway, not without revealing what he did, so either way it's safe and he can't ruin it, and I have a safe place where I can vent and speak my mind that they can't touch or take away from me and that's all I want.

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