Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Broken Kidneys.

  I'm pretty sure my kidneys must be broken. Yesterday when I got up at 6 am I couldn't go pee, and this is very unusual for me. I'm the person that goes pee something like every 15 minutes or so, but.....nothing. I didn't even feel the urge to go, no pressure, nothing. It was really weird, and normally I do a really big, long one when I wake up, and I often even get up during the night to go, but I didn't do that,either. So there I sat, even pushing, trying to get something out,and nothing, not even a drop. I didn't pee at all until 4 hours later, at 10 am and even then it was just a few drops, and then a couple of times later on in the day, just mere tinkles.I have to admit though, it's nice not always having to pee every few minutes and not always having the feeling of a full bladder that feels like it's about to burst, but still, something must be wrong.....

    There's no pain though like if there was an infection. I had a bladder infection once when I was a kid so I know what it feels like. It burned when I peed. There's no way you can't NOT notice that. The only thing is the bad lower back pain which I've had like forever which could be my kidneys, plus every few months every time I get my bloodwork done it always shows decreased kidney function(so there's that) but the doctor always brushes it off as nothing to be concerned about, as if he doesn't think it's an accurate reading or something, and then there's also the issue of my severe edema and fluid retention, which can also be caused by kidney failure. Today I'm still not peeing much,either but the back pain is more of a aching, not a sharp pain like if there were kidney stones. I feel like an old broken down jalopy that needs an overhaul. All my parts are falling apart and need replacing.

  As well, my friend P(from grade 6) and her BF are in Jamaica(Bob Marley country!) and I have to admit I envy her. I wish I still had the $$$$ to travel. I really miss it and I could really use going away right now. She's so lucky,too; he takes her on vacation twice a year: around Christmas time and on her birthday and sometimes another time,too.Another thing I could really use right now: a whole bunch of chocolate truffles!

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