Thursday, December 6, 2018


Later yesterday Buddy did the Houdini thing and just.....disappeared. He just suddenly vanished into thin air.... we couldn't find him anywhere, despite repeatedly calling him, squeaking the squeaker he hates and normally sends him running, putting chipmunk noises on, etc.... nothing, he was just gone; he wasn't anywhere and I was getting really scared and frantic. I looked everywhere, under couches, under beds, under piles of clothing, in the laundry basket, in shelves, in every nook and cranny he might hide, the 11 year old even helped me look, but he wasn't anywhere. I even went outside in the front yard and back, calling for him, but nothing.I even wondered if the kids had taken him and hidden him on me(like they've done before) just to freak me out.

   Where could he be?

  After 90 minutes of frantic searching and calling, and I was panicking and on the verge of collapsing he finally just casually strolls into the 17 YR old's room, she saw him come from somewhere in the hallway upstairs, she thinks from the direction of my mother's room, so my guess is he must have been hiding under her bed(she's a pack-rat) even though I looked there but she has so much junk, mess, and crap under her bed you can't see a thing and it's so dark and cluttered under there even if he was under there there's no way I'd see him anyway. My guess is maybe he saw a mouse and gave chase and when he's hunting he gets so fixated he doesn't see or hear anything; he just stays frozen, mesmorized, and stays frozen like a statue and waits for his prey and then he pounces.....I was just so relieved he was safe. I was so worried maye someone had left a door open or something and he ran out and was gone forever. I was just so scared; the same sick feeling in the pit of my stomach, raw, stark fear, like when one of the kids goes missing and you fear they ran off or got kidnapped.

This is also the Christmas village the 24 YR old set up, complete with some kind of battle army (I think from D&D) for the villagers.
p.s. I really have got to figure out how to make my photos bigger. They're too small but I'm still learning on this new blog and format and have no idea how to increase the size of photos.

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