Monday, December 17, 2018


My hubby has all but confirmed to me that the 19 YR old (who's studying journalism in Ottawa) wouldn't be coming up to visit for Christmas this year and I was really sad as having her visit was what I wanted most for Christmas this year( as well as snow) and I was really disappointed and down.....and then later last night guess who walked thru the front door, unannounced and surprised all of us?.... the 19 YR old! I was so surprised but so happy! I couldn't believe it! I'm just so glad she's here and I haven't seen her in months! This is the best Christmas gift ever! My hubby and the kids also confirmed that it's not true afterall all those horror stories they've been telling me all along about her BF being controlling and posessive; it was all just part of the ruse to making me think she wasn't coming up over Christmas. I swear they are all a bunch of sadistic, twisted f*cks. It's just cruel and mean to do that; to her, and to me. I mean, what kind of person does something like that,anyway? It just had me so worried for her safety and well-being.

I also posted this rare photo of me since I don't look as ugly as usual. I have my face done for church and I'm wearing my new sparkly sweater which is my Anniversary gift. I know it's still not great, but it's as good as it's going to get and I rarely post photos of myself so consider yourself lucky, ha, ha.

This is also the 24 YR old's collection of his battle army, from both Dungeons & Dragons and Warhammer. Quite an impressive collection, huh? Pretty much everyone in our family collects something, I think it must come from the OCD that runs in our family.

I'm also pretty sure I had another seizure during the night. Today all my muscles are sore, every single one of them, even my fingers, and the worst is my arms, both upper and lower, as if sore from being rigid and clenched for a long period of time, like during a seizure, plus today I'm also really wiped-out exhausted(even more than usual) and have a headache, and I remember last night settling into bed for the night Buddy was agitated and upset about something; he kept whimpering and licking my face and going around in circles and he sat on guard at the end of my bed for the longest time, as if he were intently looking at something, or watching or waiting on alert for something and he also snuggled in extra close to me to sleep for the night, like he wanted to either be comforted or comfort me or keep a close eye on me. I wonder if he could somehow sense it was coming and knew something was wrong? I notice as well that prior to a seizure I have this weird "rolling" motion in my belly too that feels like something's rolling or turning around, like when you feel your baby moving around inside you, or like a fish flapping around out of water. It's the weirdest thing.

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