Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Billie Jean.

Back in the 1980's Michael Jackson had this hit song called Bille Jean which incl. the lyrics, Billie Jean is just a girl that says I am the one, but the kid is not my son..... and that's what came to mind when my oldest finally fessed up and told me that it really was just a prank,afterall( just as I had suspected) that he really doesn't have a child, and I really don't have a grandchild afterall. My mother actually really believed it though and was going around really thinking that she was a great-grandmother, but probably like the 24 YR old said, she just wanted to believe that it was real.

  He said the reason they prank me all the time is an expression of affection, a way to show affection in a dysfunctional family that doesn't show emotion or affection but to me it's NOT "affection" but rather an endless sense of torment as it plays on my worries, anxieties, stress,doubts, fears, confusion,and I can never tell what's true and what isn't, what's real and what's not,and they know this, that it messes with my head and my mind and yet they still continue to do it anyway and mind-f*ck me and like one of my friends said, then it's not "affection" or a "joke" anymore, then it's just plain mean. In a way I'm relieved it all was just a prank and that I really wasn't left out of that experience and didn't miss out on the beginning of my first grandchild( even though I'mnot eager to be a grandmother it still hurt when it appeared like it could have all occured behind my back; that they'd keep something that momentous from me) but it still hurts that they "toy" with my emotions and sanity like that,too,and then they wonder why I', so paranoid, so doubtful, so suspicious, so mistrustful and never believe anything they say, feel like the butt of their jokes and think they're assholes.

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