Friday, January 25, 2019

Falling Apart.

I'm falling apart.
I have been for a long long time.
But no one notices.
They either don't notice or they don't care.
They either don't see or they choose to look the other way.
No one even cares to ask if I'm OK.
They never ask how I'm doing.
They never ask if I need help.
They see me slowly slipping away
Desperately clinging on
teetering on the edge
clenching, holding on, tightly gripping
letting go bit by bit,
inch by inch
dying inside, longing to be dead on the outside
something deep inside me desperately wanting to break free
break free from this body, this family, this life.
The Old Me is gone now
and what's left of Me is being eroded away and soon there will be nothing left anymore.
I'm fading away into nothingness
yet no one sees it
so close to just letting go completely
just waiting for the right moment
the trigger
for the last piece to give
to fall away
I'm invisible anyway
No one will notice when I'm gone.

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Thought For The Day.