Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! I was fast asleep last night but yet oddly enough I woke up 3 minutes to Midnight and so I rolled over, half-opened my eyes, looked at the clock, groggily waited the 3 minutes then announced to my dog, sleeping soundly beside me, Happy New Year, Buddy!  and then rolled over and went back to sleep. I also said a silent prayer to God in my head as well, for a Happy New Year and thanking Him for blessings and asking that this year be a better one than the last, and that, hopefully, this year I can find happiness and love, the same thing I ask for, pray for,and hope for every year but that always eludes me. It's what matters most but is also the most out of my reach but yet I keep hoping and dreaming. I hope this year I find my True Love, my Soul Mate, and yet at the same time I also know better. It will be just the same. Yet another year of bitter unhappiness, unfulfilled dreams, disappointments, hopelessness, despair, basically just waiting to die. I just hope at least there's no more traumas and tragedies for the kids and my family. A year without gut-wrenching stress would be nice.

I expect the same shit, different year.

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