Saturday, January 5, 2019

Orange Slime.

Look what I found in our driveway! A squished, run-over orange, with orange slime! I, of course, had to go out and get a photo of it because in our family orange slime has a history. Decades ago we were out in a mall somewhere and my hubby and I saw an orange, much like this one, squashed on a parking lot with the slime and he started retching and heaving like he was going to barf and it was so overly-dramatic it was the funniest thing ever, you'd think he'd just witnessed the grossest, most goriest, gruesome thing ever, it was so funny, and ever since then all any of us have to even just say are the words, Orange slime! and he'll start retching and rolfing all over again and it's become this legendary family joke and over the years sometimes we become fortunate enough to come across orange slime every now and again, sending us into hysterics, but now this time we have one of our very own!

  The 24 YR old seems better today as well, after shitting himself out raw with diarrhrea, so hopefully it is just a virus or food poisoning(and he has been eating lots of fresh fish daily too so maybe he got mercury poisoning or salmonella or something?) and he's clearing it out and now he rates the pain at more of a 2-3 level out of 10 instead of a 9 like yesterday and he's able to get up and walk around and eat now,too. He was also the only one of the kids(and then later the oldest who sent me an e-mail, more on that) who even bothered to say Happy Birthday! to me too, or even acknowledge it, although I did get lots of well-wishes from my Facebook friends which really means alot although it's also kind of sad too how other people care more about me than my own family does.

  The oldest(turns 30 later this year and lives in Edmonton and I haven't seen in years) also sent me birthday wishes and incl. photos of this cute baby, several months old, claiming it was his son amd my grandchild, saying this was my surprise birthday gift; that I'm a grandmother but I don't really believe it; they're always playing pranks on me and mind-f*cking me, playing with my vulnerable heart and trying to trick me. I think it's cruel though, esp. considering my state of mind and I have trouble telling what's true and what isn't and I get so confused. It it was true that sure would be a hell of a terrible way to announce the news though. The kid is cute though,and I wonder where he got the photos from? Maybe he's a friend's kid or something? I'm not eager, or in any hurry, to be a grandmother though, unlike most women,and,in fact, hope I die before the grandkids come because I don't want to end up a meddling grandmother like my mother that over-steps boundaries and in doing do ruins the relationship with her own kids, although mine isn't good to begin with.

  I also could see thru the neighbour's window next door as they had no curtains and the light was on and there were 4-5 guys up in the bedroom passing the bong around, smoking up and my thought was NOT Oh, I should call the cops on them( weed is legal now) or what losers or ha ha or ooooh! They're getting high! or anything to that effect, but rather,Awww. I wish they'd invited me over! and then a sense of loss that I was missing out on all the fun, wishing I had someone to share my bong with as I have to smoke alone. At least they have eachother.

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