Thursday, February 28, 2019

Hemmoroids And Headaches.

For months now I have this annoying thing hanging out of my ass that I assume must be a hemmoroid and it hasn't really bothered me until now, other than being a nuisance every time I wipe my ass but now it's starting to hurt and it's getting bigger. It's right at the hole, and it's the size of a big pea, and is a pink-ish, peach colour and triangle-shaped. I Googled images of hemmoroids but it doesn't really look like the others, which sort of resemble umbilical cords; mine looks more like a lump of flesh but I assume it's most likely a hemmoroid since it's sticking out of my ass and I do have alternating bouts of constipation and diarrhrea which is a strain on the muscles down there, but of course it could also be a polyp, like I did have removed from my colon,or some other sort of growth, and the last CT scan I had it did show a "thickening of the rectal wall" which is an abnormal finding and may indicate cancer, and my turds lately are very dainty, thin, narrow, and pencil-shaped, indicating a possible blockage of some sort.....there's always something, isn't there? Being where it's located I'm not exactly in a hurry to go to the doctor and show anybody; it's kind of embarrassing, so I just put witch hazel on it for relief and in the hopes of shrinking it and if it's a hemmoroid that should work, and I should be due to my 2 year colonoscopy in October or so anyway so if it's anything substantial they'll see it then.

For the past week or so I also have this unusual headache where it's a headache but also pulsing, achy ears and a stiff sore neck. It's not my usual headache and I checked it and it keeps coming back as Occipital Neuralgia which is usually caused by a pinched nerve in the neck or upper spine or by TMJ in the jaw, which I know I do have as dentists and orthodontists have told me with my severe over-bite and misaligned jaw and I did look into but can't just get the corrective jaw surgery; I have to also get the costly orthodontic treatment that goes with it and that costs thousands of $$$$$ we don't have and that's NOT covered under the provincial health plan, and I remember too a scan before showed some of the upper vertebrae in my neck are disintegrating, so it looks like I'm just f*cked either way and just meant to suffer.
The story of my life.

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