Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Let It Snow.

Just before Christmas my mother hung this wreath out the front that says Let it snow. Before that we had hardly any snow and it was very mild but after she put this up oh, boy did it ever snow.... we got lots of it.......lots.......tons..... and it got really cold for 3 weeks we were in a deep freeze, so I said she was the one that summoned the snow and caused it, asking for it, and so the other day I took it down and brought it inside, hoping to "break" the "curse" and wouldn't you know worked! It got really mild and most of the snow melted! It was the funniest thing ever......but of course it didn't last for long. Winter is back: today we're to get freezing rain and ice pellets and more snow later on in the week and we're back to the cold temps. I should have known it wouldn't last but it was nice while it did.

  The kids also always turn off my music while I'm listening to it and sabotage the Google Home when I use it and this time they shut it off during my favourite Ozzy Ozbourne song...... I've had enough of their crap so I turned off their video game in the middle on them to see how they'd like it, and they were furious; they stormed out of the room yelling and cursing but they always do that to me all the time! Now they know how it feels and it felt like such a victory for me too, to finally have one up on them because they're always at least one step ahead of me and this time I even the score, or rather, I beat them at their own game and I have to admit it felt good. I'm NOT as powerless as they think and from now on every time they turn off my music when I'm listening to it I'll turn off their game when they're playing it,too. It works both ways. I've had enough of their shit. Score: kids: 0 Mama: 1.


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