Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Re-post: Unlovable.

A post taken from my original blog:
Screenshot_987 I have always felt my entire life that I must truly be unlovable, that I must have some defect, something lacking, something that makes me unworthy of being loved, some character flaw, something, that prevents people from being able to love me as all my life I have always been rejected, excluded, abused, victimized, betrayed, used, taken advantage of, bullied, overlooked, inferior, less-than, etc. and the only one that actually loves me is my dog; others just tolerate me and have to co-exist with me, but no one else really loves me, cares about me, or gives a rat’s ass if I live or die, and they never really have.Even when I think I do have friends; people I like, care about,get close to,and think I can trust they always end up getting tired of me anyway after awhile and with my unfortunate looks I’ve never been able to attract guys and even my own motheradmitted to me once that she never loved me and my father left when I was 2 and I never saw him again.
Growing up with my own mother she bought me everything I wanted but wasn’t home much and didn’t spend much time with me, and  my grandparents weren’t what you’d call “affectionate”; I’d visit them regularly but they’d never hug or kiss me, they were very reserved, and I was that lonely odd kid in school who was always isolated, bullied and never fit in, and I never dated; my hubby was my only boyfriend, and I ended up in an unhappy marriage, longing for the lost love I never got to experience but still long for, and ever since I had my own kids my mother has become really controlling and interfering and our relationship has been destroyed, and my own kids have distanced themselves from me now,too…it just feels like no one ever stays around or likes me for too long, like I “repel” people once they really get to know me….
Like I’m unlovable.Like no one can ever love me.Like I’m not ever meant to beloved.
I don’t know whether it’s due to my Asperger’s, my bipolar, or what, but it feels like there must be something about me, my personality, my character traits, my limitations, my aura, my beingness, my influence, my presence, my existance, that just seems to turn people off and turn people away, and that makes me unworthy of love, unable to be  loved. Just….unlovable. At least that’s the way I’ve been treated my entire life makes me feel.
It’s a very lonely existance.

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