Monday, February 25, 2019

The Dress And The Dream.

Last night I again had that recurring dream I've had alot lately where I'm wearing a blue satin strapless dress( like the one seen here) with a pearl necklace and I'm at a fancy dance and it appears to be somewhere very formal and I have the sense it might be on a cruise, perhaps the last night, and that's where I met my True Love, my Soul Mate, my Eternal Companion. He asks me to dance and there is this instant connection, this bond, this reocognition that I've finally met The One I've been waiting for my entire life. I know it's just a dream and not very likely, and for one thing I don't even have a dress like that, but it just seems so real, so convincing, like a foreshadowing of what's to come, like a glimpse into the future, esp. as it keeps recurring, although in actual reality I know it's probably just a play-out of my fantasies and greatest wish in my dreams at night. Perhaps it's also a hint of what it will be like for me in Heaven, where your dreams are supposed to come true, and where I will be beautiful and loved? All I know is that my hubby isn't the one meant for me; there's no way he can be the one God send me when I'm so miserably unhappy. I truly believe He wants me to be happy and loved. It's just taking a looooong time.......

We also used to have chairs and 2 garbage cans with lids on our front veranda.....but now with the fierce hurricane-force winds( 119 KM/HR) yesterday and all night we now just have one garbage can left with no lid......everything else all blew away somewhere and are either down the street somewhere, in a neighbour's yard,on a roof, or up in a tree somewhere......who knows where, but they're gone.... and these were the brand-new garbage cans my mother was so excited about getting,too.....doesn't it figure....the weather yesterday was just crazy insane; we had everything, incl. a thunderstorm in February: thunder, lightening, heavy rain, even hail, hurricane-force wind,and then later even blowing snow. Weirdest thing ever.

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