Saturday, February 23, 2019

The Pain.

All yesterday my abdomenal pain was really bad, the kind of pain so bad that nothing works to relieve it except for weed; a special kind of pain on a whole new level that can't even be described and this morning around 4 am I was jolted awake by the worst abdomenal pain ever; it was shocking and blinding and all-encompassing I couldn't move and I could hardly breathe. I actually thought something must have ruptured in there it was so bad. I broke out into a cold sweat and I thought I was going to pass out and die right there. It was the kind of pain where you just gasp and wince and suck in your breath all at the same time, so overwhelming that you just curl up into a ball and rock, panting and breathing shallow, nauseated with pain, on the brink of unconsciousness.

It seemed to have originated on my right side but then quickly radiated to my entire abdomenal area. I wonder if it might have been the cysts either on my right ovary or my right kidney rupturing, perhaps, or maybe evem my appendix?Or maybe just a severe attack of my IBS, or my colon maybe got twisted or blocked in some way? Who knows but whatever the hell it was it was sure as hell painful as f*ck and after awhile it abated but I'm still left with pain but now more a dull, nagging, dragging diffuse pain.

Getting old really sucks.

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