Friday, February 22, 2019

The Shits.

My mother suggested that 2 weeks before I go to Jamaica that I should take the Dukoral medication to prevent diarrhrea, so I won't have the shits like I had in Cuba. Even though I'd been to tropical places and Africa before, places with unclean water, I've never gotten the travellers diarrhrea, probably because I've always been on a cruise, and drank from the ship, which doesn't use locally sourced water, but last time in Cuba I stayed at a resort which mixes their drinks(incl. soft drinks and juices) with their local water and so I got the shits. So I looked into it but holy shit......the thing costs a whopping 80$! I was hoping it wouldn't cost too much and I was thinking even 30$ or so was steep.....but 80$? My God, that's way too expensive, so I think I'll just take the chance and bring Immodium with me so in case I do get diarrhrea I'll just treat it with that(like I did in Cuba) which costs much less. F*ck, I haven't even got 80$, esp. since I spent every last cent on the trip; I've got nothing left!

 The 19 YR old also got the highest GPA in her graduating class and got an award, incl. 500$ and a big fancy dinner, and my mother's cousin spent his 75th birthday having heart surgery and they cut him from his throat down to his belly-button and he said it feels like a freight train hit his chest. They replaced one of his heart valves with a pig's heart valve, so I guess it's a good thing that he's not Muslim or Jewish! I guess he must have eventually gotten his citizenship or at least his Permanant residency then since he emigrated here when I was a teen, in order to have the health coverage. I wonder if I might have Fibromyalgia as well; I came across it and it has all the same symptoms I do,too, but the thing is my symptoms cover such a vast range of so many possibilities it could be so many things. Maybe that's why even the doctors haven't been able to diagnose it yet?

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