Tuesday, February 5, 2019


Yesterday was so unusually warm, balmy and mild out: 10 C so Buddy and I got to go on several walks and it was amazing! He had the best day ever! Even though we had lots of snow most of it has melted already just from the one warm day and you can even see lots of grass, sidewalk and road now, something we haven't seen in awhile and he was really enjoying himself being able to walk with grass, concrete, mud,and puddles under his feet instead of the usual ice and snow. He had great fun sniffing at everything and exploring and it was so mild it was like spring and he didn't need to wear his sweater and I didn't need my hat or mitts and it was so glorious feeling the sun on my face and hair,too. It was the perfect outside day and a much welcome break from over 3 weeks of intense frigid sub-zero temps and he was overjoyed to be able to finally shit after holding it in for some 4 days as when it's too cold he won't do it and waits until it gets warmer and he even found some grass and leaves to do it on,too, his fave spot! To top off his special day he even got to chase off that damn cat off our front porch,too! I just love Buddy so much and when I look at him I don't see a dog; I see a kindred soul.

  The 11 YR old was also banging on the table with a cardboard tube causing the dog to bark and giving me a headache so I told him to stop but of course he didn't and only proceeded to do it even more to annoy me as none of the kids obey or do anything I say because I have no authority with my hubby and mother never supporting me, backing me up or disciplining the kids and always taking their side, so I asked my hubby to do something and make him stop.....and the asshole instead picked up a cardboard tube too and joined him in furiously banging on the table and yelling, to infuriate me even more and he always does stuff like that; instead of actually telling them to behave and stop it he'll join them in misbehaving; he's so childish and immature and will do whatever he can just to piss me off. The kids are bad at doing their assigned chores(which they also receive an allowance for) as well, such as the 17 YR old: her job is dishes and all she has to do is load and unload the dishwasher yet she hardly bothers and every day we have 2 sink-fulls piled high of dishes and we can never find any clean ones.....and I remind her....she just blows me off and ignores me and I ask my mother or hubby to remind her in case she'll listen to them but they don't bother and don't care. This is the kind of shit I have to put up with on a daily basis and then they wonder why I'm so fed-up and why I broke and why I gave up. One of the Edmonton Boys has a birthday today,too. I can't believe it's been 21 years since I spread my legs and launched him into this world.

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