Friday, March 8, 2019

Google Home.

We have the Google Home assistant, which does a various amount of things from programming it to turn the TV and lights on and off, to playing music, answering questions, playing games, videos on TV, giving you reminders, setting timers, repeating what you say, telling jokes, etc. The kids and I have lots of fun with it even though at times it can also get very annoying, like when it screws up or when I'm listening to my music and the kids cut in blasting gay music to annoy me such as putting Justin Bieber or Taylor Swift or some other kind of pussy-pop crap in, so much so I even have had to unplug the damn thing and just get my iPod and pop my earphones in, but other times it can be fun, even for me, such as adding hilarious things to the Shopping List and having it repeat back to me what I've added, incl. such things like a hippo, a million pounds of chocolate, ticket to Jamaica, titanium dildo, new family, etc.. and the most fun I get is ever-changing my hubby's name to things such as Bad Motherf*cker, Big Pimp Daddy, Big bad Motherf*cker, Hey Asshole, etc. so every time it greets him or gives him a reminder out loud it announces, A reminder for Big Bad Motherf*cker.... It never gets old. It infuriates him. I do it mainly just because it's fun and funny but annoying him is just a bonus and is the least I can do esp. after all the asshole things he always does to me to piss me off. I'm also disappointed his time away in Toronto later this month for work only ends up being for one week, not 2 weeks like originally planned, but at least a week away from him is a nice break.

I also over-heard the 17 YR old talking "smack" about me to my mother, saying how she can't wait until I'm gone to Jamaica for the week, eager to be rid of me, etc. and of course my mother never stood up for me or defended me and she says I'm always complaining all the time yet with all the shit in my miserable life I have the right to complain and it's understandable, and besides, ever since I've started weed I noticed I've become more mellow and easy-going and things don't bother me as much as they used to and she complains all the time,too(and I've even heard the kids complain about it and say she's an angry old woman) so what can she really say, and they don't hate her, so why single me out all the time? I'll be glad when the 17 YR old moves out for school,too(and she says she's never coming back) and I'm no longer subjected to her snotty, bitchy attitude and her snarky comments, insults, hate, disdain, disrespect, condescendion, rudeness, superior attitude, haughtiness, vanity, snobbiness,bullying etc. either. It works both ways.

My abdomenal and back pain is really bad the past few days as well and I don't know which is worse. A day without constant daily pain would be nice, and Lent is not only a time of penance, fasting, almsgiving and inner-reflection and giving up something but also a time for self-improvement and it seems like I've spent most of my life hiding, running, covering up and keeping secrets  and so much so I hardly even know who I am anymore and so this Lent I pray to God to lead me to know and to be who He created me to be, made me to be, wants me to be,and meant me to be, and to not hide it, suppress it, deny it, try to be something or someone that I'm not, and if other people don't like it then that's their problem. It's almost gotten to the point where I now question or doubt everything and everyone I've ever trusted or believed in, except for God; my faith in Him will always be the one solid mainstay in my life, the one thing that guides me and keeps me going, even when everything else and everyone else has failed me.

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Daily Chuckle..

...and shit on the carpet.