Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Heil WHO?

The 11 YR old had to decorate a card for his upcoming Confirmation in May and hand it in for Church and so of course it was done last minute, scrambling around something like just an hour before he left for Mass and had to hand it in, even though I did check with him earler to see if he'd done it and he said he had...... in any case, when he showed me the final result for pre-approval he had drawn Swastikas all over it (backwards but still......) and written Heil Satan! Needless to say I was NOT amused and I tore it up and made him re-do it over again. As it turned out, it was my hubby that had put him up to it. Why am I not  surprised? He's a bad influence , a bad example, and corrupts them. As hard as I try to raise the kids in the Gospel he sabotages me every chance he gets. He always has disparaging, blasphemous, venemous, vile, hateful comments spewing out of his piehole against God, religion, and the Church and has effectively turned the kids away from their faith.

My hubby is always spouting off hate about how Christians are hypocrites and all priests are pedophiles etc. and it's not fair and it's not right; you can't blame an entire group for the sins and wrongdoing of some bad apples. it's just like you can't blame all Arabs for terrorism and say that all Muslims are terrorists or that all Germans were Nazis or say that all white people were responsible for slavery or Apartheid, or that would be like me blaming all Black people and thinking that they're all criminals because I was mugged by a Black guy when I lived in L.A. As for the pedo priests it's still only a very small percent, as horrible as it is, something like 1% and you can't paint them all with the same brush, and if 1/3 of the angels can fall and become demons it's not unfathomable that a percentage of priests can sin and fall,too, afterall they are sinful humans, just like the rest of us. I agree the Church does have alot of amends to make and I'm disillusioned by the clergy sex crisis too just like I would assume most Catholics would be and should be, but there still are some good ones out there too that are just as horrified as the rest of us and that want to make it right.

Lent starts tomorrow as well; it's Ash Wednesday also a day of fasting and Mass. I can't believe it's here already. It seems like not too long ago it was just Christmas but it also means that spring is coming soon,too! I can't wait! Bring it on! Summer isn't too far!!!!

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