Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Standing Alone.

These 3 pictures of solitary trees standing out there all alone perfectly describe me in life, how I feel in life: all alone.

Apart from the rest. Solitary. Standing alone. Separate. On my own.

Taking my own path.

I also found out that(more proof that Canada sucks and we are the most-taxed country on Earth!) that my 300$ airfare, once tax was added on, ended up to be 800$! Holy shit!WTF? We're always getting ripped-off and over-charged for everything in this country, whether it's for paying for consumer goods, realeastate, taxes on goods, shipping costs, cellphone rates, you name it....I hate this shithole place. No wonder the majority of us are in debt and can't afford to live. I also saw on the news that the plane I'll be taking to Jamaica next month is the same 737 Max 8 jet model that just crashed in Ethiopia and also recently in Indonesia a few months ago as well, likely due to some faulty mechanism in the design......but of course Transport Canada isn't recalling this model and grounding it like other countries are, just to be safe, until further safety concerns are met.....they just don't give a shit.....they never do. Lucky for me I'm not a nervous flyer; I never worry the plane's going to crash or get hijacked; my biggest worry is my luggage is going to get lost...

The almost-12 YR old(later this month) is  now taller than his brothers were when they were 14......he's so tall; all of a sudden he just shot up; he must have had a sudden growth-spurt. I call him Stretch now.

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Today's Thought.