Saturday, March 30, 2019

The Stove.

We had to get a new stove as our old one broke. It actually broke a long time ago, with the door broken and hanging off just held together with Duct-Tape(no joke) and the number temperature degrees on the dials has also all worn off so it's just our best estimated guess which degrees to set the oven to and now the coil inside the oven doesn't work so we can no longer cook or bake anything and can only use the top elements to boil or fry so it's time to replace it.

Thank God for Income -Tax refunds!

 My hubby was originally going to get himself a new recliner chair for the livingroom as his is old and ragged and broken(what don't we have that isn't all falling apart and broken but we just don't have the $$$$ for new ones) but then decided a new stove is more important so he used his income-tax refund for that instead and it cost over 1000$. Holy shit! Everything is soooo expensive! We got a silver Samsung one like the one pictured here and it will be delivered on Monday. It's silver to match the washer and dryer and Samsung I assume to match our TV. I just hope it's NOT one of those Smart appliances as those are waaay too complicated for my mother and I; we just want basic appliances that are simple and easy to understand and not ones that are smarter than we are. I think my hubby must like Samsung or maybe he just likes South Korea, which is OK by me as my BFF is from South Korea.

I also got my lab results for my bloodwork and my cholestral pills are working as it's lower now but my liver and kidneys continue to decline even more and are even worse each time I have the blood drawn up. It's always something. It seems like the liver and kidneys are almost competing with eachother to see which ones will fail first. Yesterday was also a balmy and glorious 11 C and Buddy and I were outside for 3 1/2 hours(and I got a sunburned face!) but today it's only 1 C and heavy rain, expected to get over 40 least most of the snow is all gone now, but I hate rain; that's the thing I hate about spring.....all the yucky rain. Ugh.

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