Monday, April 15, 2019

Easter Feaster.

Our Easter Lily (who I named Miss Lily) has opened now, and just in time, as yesterday my mother "switched" our big Easter dinner (I always dub our Easter Feaster) in the diningroom a week early, because on actual Easter itself next Sunday I won't be here, but rather in Jamaica, even though I said I don't care, don't do it on my behalf, and it's not like I feel like I'm really a part of this family anyway, but nevermind, she still went ahead and did it anyway, my theory is because I'm the one that does all the clean-up after, clearing away the dishes(and as I was doing so my hubby loudly cracked in front of everyone at the table, incl. guests my father-in-law and the 17 YR old's friend, and called me Waitress, to which I replied back, SUCK IT!!) and bagging all the left-over food, and likely didn't want to be left doing it herself if I was away. I truly doubt the motive was ever really about incl. me.

My mother also gave the 12 YR old his Easter chocolate, even though the chocolates and Easter egg hunt were still waiting for the kids until next week, on actual Easter at their request, and when I saw it I noticed it was mine, and not even his, so I took it back. They're always doing that,too, giving my stuff to someone else. Then she tries to blame my hubby saying that's the one he gave her to give to him, even though I heard him tell her that one he picked out for me. She never owns up to anything, ever. After Mass yesterday the priest also asked how I was and I told him I'm going to Jamaica next week and he asked who else is coming with me and I said, No one, just me....I'm going on my own....that's the best travel ever.....I'm going to get a break.....why would I bring them with me? With the palm fronds we got for Palm Sunday yesterday the 12 year old also thought I was collecting them to build my own palm tree as he knows it's my fave. tree. :D

I woke up as well with every muscle in my body really sore and beyond wiped-out exhausted and it made me wonder if maybe I might have had another seizure during the night again, as it would explain it, it felt like I had an intense workout and before I fell asleep Buddy was also very agitated and kept jumping on me and whimpering and slept glued to my leg,too, so maybe he could sense something was coming on?I also notice I wake up during the night with Night Sweats as well. It makes me wonder.... I also came across something called Fibromyalgia which incl. muscle aches, pain, incl. abdomenal, IBS, extreme fatigue, like I have so is it possible that maybe that's what I have and is causing all my issues? I see the doctor on Wednesday so I'll mention it to him. I keep trying to find out what it could be because the doctors can't seem to be able to figure it out.

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