Saturday, April 20, 2019

Happy 4/20!

Happy 4/20! I will be celebrating accordingly and tomorrow I'll be in Jamaica where I can also celebrate accordingly, hopefully all week. I can still remember just a few mere years ago my former sister-in-law mentioning 4/20 on her Facebook and I had no idea back then what 4/20 even was and now here I am, a full-fledged enthusiast. I used to be one of those hard-asses that thought weed was bad and never tried it until I was 48 when I'd had enough of my debilitating migraines and heard it would relieve the pain and it did, like nothing else, and for other pain,too, and then I got my medical prescription and my attitude changed, my eyes and mind were opened and I changed my view completely. People can change and they can change their minds. My hubby is still vehemently anti-weed and so much so the 24 YR old asked me what's with him, why he hates weed so much, if it's some sort of "trauma thing" and one of his brothers used to be a drug addict but I think it's more than that; I think he's just a judgemental asshole. He looks down on me for it and is always condescending but thanks to weed my migraines have now been completely eliminated and now he's the only headache I still have, the human version of a migraine.

I still feel really yucky with the bleeding and pain and feel like I'm going to pass out every time I stand up. This is really bad. Yesterday I even slept thru most of the day, incl. one nap that lasted 4 HRS alone. I don't know if it's due to the bleeding or whatever's causing it( I have a bad feeling it's cancer) but I'm determined to get on that plane tomorrow morning and make it to Jamaica no matter what and I refuse to die until I'm there.I'm at least holding on until I get there. One of my cousins has also been in the hospital for the past week in kidney failure. He's been on dialysis for quite a while now already waiting a kidney transplant, they failed due to his diabetes and he's only in his early 60's and another cousin just got back from Hawaii and in August they're going on their next cruise to Norway, Denmark, Scotland, Greenland, and Iceland.

Tomorrow I'm going to Jamaica! It still doesn't seem real though for some reason and I don't think I'll really actually believe it's happening until I'm on that plane taking off....

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