Tuesday, May 21, 2019

A Pro-Life Victory!!

A so-called "Pro-choice" bitch recently put this up on her Facebook and I replied with If people did try to abort a pre-born elephant baby the animal rights activists would have a field day! (may I note she then removed  her post) and it's true; sadly animals have more rights and legal protections than humans do and with all the abortion and euthanasia pretty soon human beings will become an endangered and extinct species. Recently Alabama passed a restrictive law on abortion basically outlawing it and other American states may soon follow and it's a VICTORY for the pro-life movement and about time the law protects the pre-born, the most vulnerable in society. Someone needs to speak up for, protect(incl. legal rights) and defend the unborn. To protect and defend their right to be born, to exist, to live, for their right to life. Society is so wrapped up and concerned with animal rights and animal welfare, about climate change, the environment, recycling, save the planet, save the whales, save the turtles, protect the ozone layer, etc.... what about saving and protecting people?

I can't think of anything worse in society than callously killing your own child, your own baby, because it gets in the way, cramps your lifestyle, comes at the wrong time, is a burden, an expense, an inconvenience, exposes your sin, was unplanned, was a surprise, wasn't what you wanted, etc. enough of the excuses. YOU chose to have sex, pregnancy is always a risk. grow up and do the responsible adult thing and take responsibility and don't kill your baby. Give it the life you created and let it be born at least. If you don't want to be a mother then fine, there are lots of other people that are dying for that opportunity; it's called adoption. Just DON'T KILL YOUR BABY. Murder is never the solution to anything. The Bible says Thou shall not kill. It's pretty clear on that. Abortion should NOT be treated as a "rite of passage" for women!

ALL life should be respected and protected. If you have a heartbeat, you're alive. It's that simple.Only God has the right to take life away.

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