Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Buzz Cut.

After all the bleaching and sea-salt damage I shaved my hair back into my signature Buzz cut again. I love it and feel most comfy in it. It's the style that best suits my free-spirit personality, easy-fuss, wash-and-go, easy-care style. It's great for swimming and for the hot weather. No fuss, no mess, no problem. No bed-head, no wind-blown hair, no curling, no blow-drying, no dyeing, no special shampoos or conditioners, no hat-hair, it just makes me feel so free and so unburdened and at the same time thumb my nose at society's idea of beauty. I know I'll never be pretty anyway but I can always be unique, and just like George the Rasta I met in Jamaica said, All the girls have long hair, they all look the same, my really short military-cut is different. It best expresses me and even if other people stare, assume I have cancer, think I'm a man, or a dyke, or whatever, or if they don't like it, I don't care. I like it, it suits me and I do it for me. Those that matter won't care(they'll like me for who I am anyway) and those that don't , don't matter.

The best way to describe my physical appearance is the following:
gross woman
ugly old dyke
what the f*ck is that?
Is that a male or a female?
Oh, my God!

oh, well......f*ck it.

Tomorrow my mother and I are also going to our fave. Italian restaurant for our Mother's Day lunch and it's 20% off as it's their 20 Year Anniversary so I suppose it'll "only" cost 80$ then instead of the usual 100$? (I don't know, I'm sooooo bad at math; it's the bane of my existance and I'm convinced I must be missing part of my brain that does math) in any case it's sooooo expensive we only go twice a year, for special occasions.  The f*ckers that left me stranded at the airport also refuse to refund my $$$$ even though I'm NOT paying for a pick-up I never received and then they had the nerve to send me a bill for 200$....f*ck that.... I'm not paying it.....I'm also going to file a report with the Better Business Bureau. I have the feeling they do it alot and they're NOT going to get away with it, not with me,anyway.

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