Wednesday, May 29, 2019

God's Beauty.

Yay! It's lilac season! It's about 2 weeks late this year due to the late spring, shitty weather, cooler temps and rain but it's finally here! I've always loved lilacs, and always one of my fave. flowers ever since I was a little kid. I just love the smell (I even have a lilac perfume!) and now the wonderful scent fills the entire house! My Babushka and my aunt both had lilac bushes when I was a kid and in one house we had (in my last YR of highschool) we had one finally at last,too. I just LOVE them and look forward to them every year but like all beautiful things they don't last long, only about 2 weeks so I have to get them while I can. When I was a kid I used to grab them from anywhere I could, even off people's backyards, but now I'm more civilized and won't take it off anyone's property; now I just take them off public property, like in public parks, or along the waterfront, or in open fields, growing wild, for anyone, not really belonging to anyone in particular.Growing up I'd always hoped I'd have lilacs in my wedding bouquet but I ended up getting married in December(and I never had a big fancy wedding,anyway) but maybe I'll end up having them for my funeral instead, and that's more likely since the odds are I probably will die in May....

Here are my sunflowers as well, week 4. I now have 10 seedlings, and they've outgrown their original icecube tray planters in the windowsill and have now been transplanted into a really big bucket. You can't really tell the size from the photo but it's a big one, the kind you use to wash your kitchen floor with. I'm not planting them outside yet until they get much bigger, stronger, and heartier as the squirrels will dig them up, eat them and kill them, like what happened last year and I only ended up with one lone survivor and it broke my heart.

From the bakery cake for the 12 YR old's Confirmation I also got really bad cramps and diarrhrea from the icing (I guess it had real cream in it....uh, oh....) even though I did take my enzyme pills (I'm lactose intolerant) but I guess it was just too much, even for the pills. I was in agony. It was awful, but that's the first time I've even had any abdomenal pain since I've been to Jamaica and at least this time I know the reason. I was surprised to see Fr. T at the Confirmation too, so soon after his hernia surgery and he looked sick; he looked so pale, thin,gaunt, and much older, poor guy. I would have expected him to still be home in bed recovering but I guess it was sheer willpower; he just pushed thru it, wanting to be there and not miss it. I get it.

The 12 YR old also got an iPod which he uses to play games on. I use mine for music and photos. His is black.(Mine is gold) He also needs new glasses but we can't get them until August when our insurance is re-newed; it's expired for a few months now and after weeks of trying to find out the name and artist of this song I kept hearing on the radio and like but they never said who it was I finally found out at long last too ( it turned out it was The Dirt by Motley Crue) so I finally got to add it to my playlist and now I'm a Happy Camper.

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