Saturday, May 18, 2019

Last Photo.

I saw on Facebook the other day asking for your Last Photo on your device and so here it is:
Me sunbathing topless like in Europe(did I ever tell you about the time I accidently went to that topless beach in Greece?). You're welcome. Lucky for you it was taken above a certain vantage point. Notice my new Bob Marley beach towel I got in Jamaica( did I ever tell you that I love Bob Marley......and  Jamaica? Yeah.... I might have mentioned it a few times.....) and my Dachsund tattoo on my heart? (I got it for Buddy as he's always close to my heart.) I hope the neighbours can't see over the fence though or they'll burn their retinas out ( ha ha) but I guess it would sort of serve them right though for spying, the dirty peeping- Tom perverts.

As well, today will be a nice quiet day for me: my hubby's near Toronto all day as the part to fix the car has finally come in so he's off getting it fixed and the teens are all working today, leaving just the 12 YR old at home and that kid never goes outside(he stays inside all the time playing video games or tooling around on his computer, so sad really) so I'll probably never see him all day and it's the long May weekend and we hope to have our first BBQ of the season except it's supposed to.....yup, you guessed it.....RAIN( and not only rain, as if that isn't bad enough.....but thunderstorm) I guess 3 days of sun is all we could ask for...and next weekend the nerds are all in Toronto at some anime convention so it's like I get a weekend off of quiet and peace.....I could get used to this....

There was also an issue with my new medical weed supplier: I had trouble logging-in setting up an account( I swear, technical stuff and I just don't get along!!!) but eventually it got all sorted out and my old supplier ( I decided to divide my prescription up between 2 of them as this way I have more options and wider selection as with just the one they always ran out of stock, were on back-order, etc. etc. and I often couldn't find what I wanted or get my first choice) said my account had expired even though my licence was re-newed; apparantly they didn't accept my digital signature as I can't sign my signature with the mouse: I'm left-handed but I use the mouse with my right hand(like how I play guitar, violin and use scissors even though I write with my left hand and brush my teeth and eat with it, I've had to adapt to a right-handed world in other ways) so when I try it ends up this wiggly squiggly sloppy mess, like a toddler did it or like I had a stroke; it looks really, really pathetic, so it was deemed unworthy and they ended up phoning me and reading out the terms of use over the phone I had to agree to verbally and somehow that was taken as my "signature" and then they renewed it. Whatever. Things are always harder for me. Life is hard when you're stupid.

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