Tuesday, May 14, 2019

My Babies.

Like last year I again planted sunflowers and after 2 weeks I now have a few little seedlings starting to sprout! My babies are starting to grow! I hope I have better luck than I did last year: last year I planted 12 seeds and of those only 1 survived and even it died just before the flower could open.
Just my luck.
I hope this year is better. I don't know if my trying again is hopeful.....or just plain stupid and delusional. Either way, just like in life: hope for the best but expect the worst.
Speaking of which: my doctor's office called yesterday and he wants me to come in and see him tomorrow (usually it takes 2-3 weeks to get in to see him!) to discuss my ultrasound results so they must have found something really good.....or bad....depending on how you look at it....I just hope that something finally showed up to explain my symptoms and to diagnose so we know what we're dealing with. I have this Facebook so-called "friend" that insults me saying I'm a hypochrondriac too but I know my symptoms are real,the pain is real, the bleeding is real, the seizures is real, the debilitating fatigue is real,etc...my suffering and decline is real and it keeps getting worse; they just haven't found  it yet.Usually they just tell me over the phone my scan results so it must be something really bad. I suspect probably cancer. Maybe that's the bad thing to happen to us this May? I'm ready to die though and there's nothing left I have left to do; I've travelled, been to 37 countries and I finally got to go to Jamaica so I'm satisfied, and I've already started detaching so I'm ready. There's really nothing left anymore anyway. I guess the only thing I'd want to do before I die is go to the salon and have my nails done again.

This is also the late birthday cake the 17 YR old made for the 16 YR old. Yeah, I know, we're always running late and a bit behind here. Usually it's my mother that picks up the birthday cakes at the bakery but she somehow forgot so the 17 YR old made one. She somehow has a way of making those yucky gross vegan things taste good.The almost 20 YR old also got and continues to get extensive dental surgery she was even put to sleep for and has stitches in her mouth and is alot of pain and my hubby got a dental bill for 5000$ and flipped but just as long as it's covered in the dental plan... the 12 YR old also won First Place in the Spelling Bee (and won 75$!) and now he advanced to the Finals in June!

This is also a photo of Buddy and I. I actually look half-decent in this one as it was after church and I had my face on and was dressed up and it turned out and for once I didn't didn't look like a complete total and utter troll.

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