Monday, May 13, 2019

My Mother's Day.

Both the mothers photos here perfectly describe how I feel about motherhood and the hardest thing about parenting? 
The kids.
Mother's Day yesterday for me was pretty much just like any other regular day except that we had KFC for dinner as neither my mother or I (both mothers) wanted to cook but other than that it was just a usual day. No one even remembered it even was Mother's Day (other than my mother and I) until the 12 YR old started playing one of his video games and it was mentioned on the game and then he's like, Oh! it's Mother's Day today? Oh.....Happy Mother's Day..... and then when the 16 YR old and my hubby heard it they repeated it, and my hubby said he totally forgot and never even bought a card so he hurriedly went and just printed one off his computer printer and then the 24 YR old wished me later but the 17 YR old never even bothered at all.They never even gave me a lousy card and they hand-make my hubby cards for Father's Day.

Speaking of shitty kids, on top of never even acknowledging it, the 17 YR old also thought it was the "perfect" day to try and upset me: I was looking for Buddy and she smirked that the door had been left open and he ran out and was running down the street somewhere, causing me to panic and freak out, thinking he had run away and was gone.....but the 24 YR old reassured me, No, he's not; he's in the kitchen. Oh, thank God!  None of the kids who live out of town/province even callled or e-mailed me Mother's Day wishes either which hurt and I never expected the second-oldest or the 23 YR old to as they're snotty but I was kind of hoping the Edmonton Boys would, esp. the oldest as I thought he loved me but maybe not......

at least in church yesterday they handed out Carnations to all the mothers. They care more about me than my own family does.

F*ck it.

I made my own Mother's Day fun: after church last night I went out on the porch and smoked weed with the cool new Bob Marley wood-carved pipe I got in Jamaica. I'm NOT letting those assholes ruin my day.

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