I was looking for a weed shirt just like this all over Jamaica and never could find one( oddly it was almost impossible to find weed-related shirts there even though you could find ganja itself everywhere easily) but then wouldn't you know it, lo and behold when I got back I found the exact same one online I was looking for(seen in the photo here) so I ordered it. So weird, huh? I have a similar one only in long-sleeve only that's for fall and winter and I wanted a short-sleeve one for the warmer weather, for spring and summer. Yesterday it was finally nice here ( 18 C and sun) so after being home a week I was finally able to get out and work on the tan I got in Jamaica after being stuck inside in the cold and rain for a week(ugh!) and now my legs and arms are peeling from the burn I had and I haven't burned and peeled like that from a sunburn since I was a kid.
Interesting as well: I was talking to one of our priests at church yesterday and he said the exact same thing happened to him with the same airport pick-up service that happened to me: he'd missed his connecting flight and they said he was too late and he'd missed his pick-up and they left him stranded at the airport too and said the next pick-up would be the next afternoon and when he'd asked if they would pay to put him up for the night in a hotel they said no and wouldn't give him a refund for the pick-up he booked but never got either but he said he eventually did get his $$$$$ back and never took them again. I still haven't heard back and I e-mailed the travel agent again. There's no way I'm letting those f*ckers get away with it. No way. That's no way to treat people and it's bad business.
This is also the new cool awesome BoHo hippie wrap-around turcoise bracelet I got and it arrived in the mail the day after I got home from my trip. I just LOVE it! I saw it online and thought it was one of the most beautiful things I had ever seen and sooo perfect for me I just had to treat myself. When you unravel it it's really long.It claims to have positive vibes and "healing" energy and all that kind of crap I don't believe in; I just got it because I think it's pretty. Interesting as well; in the past 2 weeks I haven't been bothered by the abdomenal pain( ever since I was in Jamaica and returned) or thought about dying every day,either; it's like I've been "reborn" almost, like going "home" to Jamaica has almost "healed" me, like I had to go there to "undo" the "curse" or something that's been plaguing me my entire life, I had to go there to get my groove,and my MoJo back....
My mother's blood sugar and blood pressure have also been really high for the past few days and she's been feeling "not quite right" and really tired and lays around and goes to bed at 16:00 and I tell her it's likely because of all the sugary drinks she has lately and not watching her diabetic diet like she's supposed to and she should call her doctor and let him know but she won't; she says she "doesn't want to know" and today I go to the lab for more bloodwork and to see if I carry the gene for a blood-clotting disorder which I strongly suspect I do (which would explain all my heavy bleeding for everything, all the time) and I was the one that suggested to the doctor that he run the test...it will be interesting to see what the results show....
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