Sunday, May 12, 2019

Shedding My Old Skin.

It's been 2 weeks since I got back from Jamaica now and ever since I went I haven't had the abdomenal pain that plagued me usually daily, or at the least several times a week, nor do I think about dying every day. It's like I've been healed;  I had to go there to be healed, to break the curse, to end the bad luck I've been plagued with, to be reborn, to start over, to end the bad juju, to get my mojo and my groove back,and with my bad peeling sunburn it feels like a snake shedding it's old skin and with the old skin peeled off, the old creation stripped away, and the new skin, or new shell replacing it, I feel reborn. It's like a "new" me has emerged; that Jamaica has transformed me into this healed, whole person, like I'm starting over again, like I had to go there and reclaim the person I once was before all the trauma and shit in my life damaged me.

That's not to say that the damage and the medical issues aren't still there, that I'm not still broken, but that my soul has been cleansed, my being has re-energized, that I feel like a totally new person, like I feel alive again and I can actually feel joy and hope again, that the Old Me is emerging once again, it's like I had to return "Home" (and Jamaica I felt like it was where I belonged and where I should have been the whole time) to "complete" myself, like it was the missing puzzle piece I had to find and  fit in before I could be complete, and before I could complete my journey and the last item I had to check off on my list before I could really feel like Me again. The Old Me. Honest to God, something about that place just enveloped me and made me feel whole again, and it's like I went there with a light turned off and everything was dark and once I got there the light was turned on again and now things look much brighter and I'm a new person.

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