Friday, May 3, 2019

The Jamaica Diaries.

Nuh, dutty up! DAY 7:

Today's my last day at the beach and my last day here as I leave tomorrow. So sad. The photo above is of my room and the one down more is the view from my balcony, with a big beautiful palm tree(my fave. tree!) at the front. I love it. I'm really going to miss it. I don't want to go back to that shit-hole. I'm sad to leave but I am really excited to see my Buddy and I really miss him so much! I also phoned home and everyone's fine and I even had them put him up to the phone to hear my voice. Today the burn is peeling even more and I feel like a snake shedding it's skin and I wonder if snakes shedding their skins itch this much too? I even find flakes of skin on my bedsheets.....eewwww!!

I have a balcony in my room as well and I sit out on it and smoke my doobage (and also on the beach) and I just feel so free and so alive and like I'm living beyond the confines, insults, and abuse of my family, and stuck in a life I don't want. I also saw another stingray and I LOVE the water, and being so bouyant I float and feel so light, so weightless, agile, graceful, unrestricted, free and like when I used to do gymnastics when I was younger, thin, and healthy.

I also saw tiny little brown lizards scurrying around and they were just soooo adorable(I saw the same kinds in Cuba) and tomorrow the airport pick-up is at 9;30 am and the flight isn't until around 15:00 so I'll be bored out of my skull hanging around the airport for so days are so long, tiring and exhausting....and when I arrived here after all the sitting my left leg swelled up 3-4 times the normal size it was so gross and I half-expected blood clots, it was so gross. For our last night here we also had dinner on the beach with fireworks and one of the beach hustlers tried to hustle me again but in a way I sort of "hustled" him as I ended up getting a free doobie out of it but to be fair in "exchange" I also did give him dinner from the buffet as he said he was hungry and the verse from the Koran about the feeding of a poor man came to mind, and I also found out those loud, obnoxious people I assumed are American are from Toronto,ha,ha!

There's nothing like smoking a joint on the beach, under a palm tree, watching the sun set, that's how and where I want to die, and it makes me uncomfortable too having Black people wait on and serve white people and reminds me of Colonialism and slavery and people are so surprised I'm travelling alone too but for me it's no big deal and I enjoy the solitude. Tomorrow I'll be sleeping in my own bed with my Buddy-Boy but I will miss not waking up at the beach.

Homeward bound DAY 8:

I'm sooooo glad I upgraded to Elite Premium Plus not only for the extra leg room(worth it in itself) and the free luggage but also the shorter check-in lines at the airport: mine just had some 50 people ahead of me in prioroty check-in instead of several hundreds of them(who must have had to wait HRS!!) in the other long line up with the common peasants, ha,ha! It's strange too how everyone always says Have a safe flight! I mean, isn't that what's expected? They might as well say I hope you don't crash! It never really did make sense to me. The same when people clap when the plane lands( although this time no one actually did, thank God) it's so dumb.

The flight ended up leaving 3 HRS LATE and when I finally arrived in Toronto at 23:30 the pick-up I'd arranged for ahead of time said I was too late and just left me stranded at the airport so my hubby had to come get me and he was really mad as it's a 2 HR drive each way but what was I supposed to do? Just my "luck" though; the trip had gone well and I should have known it was too good to be true; that something had to go wrong at some point; there's no way it could go perfectly, not for me. It was funny going thru customs too: there was this girl ahead of me, maybe around 8 YRS old, loudly complaining, I hate Canada! I just laughed my ass off, thinking, I hear you! I'm right with you!! I brought souvenirs back for everyone as well but only the 24 YR old was polite enough to thank me for his (a T-shirt) the others just grabbed theirs snatching them out of my hands without a word of thanks,and my mother even let the 12 YR old use hers ( a mug I got just for her as she can never find one for her coffee and tea so I got her own special one) even though I got it for her as a gift and she just treats it like a common mug, and the girls haven't even worn the socks I got them....

Yeah.....welcome home. Some things never change.

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