Sunday, June 30, 2019

Daily Pondering.

Buddy's Enemies.

Everybody loves Buddy and when he's outside on his walks total strangers always come up to him and admire him but even he has his enemies, but only 2 of them: the grey cat and the black dog. The grey cat has tormented him forever and even bit a chunk out of his tail and now every time it comes around(which is always; it likes to hang around our front porch and backyard and has even snuck into our house and eaten his food!) he goes ape-shit. It all started when he startled it once under a bush and it jumped out and bit his tail. They've been enemies ever since. As for the black dog it must be an Alpha male thing; they're both males and have never gotten along. Buddy doesn't ever bark at any other dogs that walk by or that he passes by but this particulr dog he always does, and with such feistiness, too, and the other dog barks at him with just as much anger; those two really hate eachother and always go at eachother every time they see eachother, it's the strangest thing. Other than that he gets along with all other dogs. In fact, Sammy the Pitbull up the corner is even his friend and that dog hates and barks at everybody but not at Buddy; his owner was even puzzled at that and told me so.

He made a new enemy yesterday too and wasn't even aware of it. Buddy is a brave little thing and takes on dogs many times his size. The other day he took on a Rottweiller and I had to scoop him up and carry him away, I don't think he realizes how small he really is and thinks he's much bigger than he actually is. One time he even took on a Doberman and the other dog started shaking and cowereing. It was just a big baby, a gentle giant. It was scared of the little Dachshund! yesterday though on a walk I saw this big dog running loose coming towards us and it didn't look friendly so I picked up Buddy and held him under my arm where he'd be in a safer spot and I picked up a big stick off the sidewalk to defend us and the dog came up to us, barking loudly but not in a friendly way and it advanced towards us, circling us and lunging towards us so I'd step back and then as it would come towards us I'd lunge towards it , making myself loud and big, swinging the stick at it in an aggressive way to scare it off and it would retreat and this kept up for awhile until I was able to back us up unto my property and get into our house. I think I was more shaken up than Buddy was though as I know it has it's eye on him for a snack but he seemed oblivious as he thinks he can take on these bigger dogs that want to eat him but I would never let that happen. He's my best friend and I would defend him with my own life if I had to. Right now there's a chipmunk loose in the house and Buddy's trying to catch it, poor little thing. I leave the back door open hoping it can find it's way back out  so we'll have to see who is faster...

My back is also worse and now it also stings too and feels like an open wound. It's on the left side on the spine and I have no idea what it is but it hurts so much all I can do is lay on my side with my knees bent up to my chest and that's the only position it doesn't hurt and the worst it when I change positions like standing up, walking, getting up or down from laying ,standing or sitting, and there's no way I can bend and sometimes it even feels like I can feel something ripping and tearing. Maybe it's just a pulled muscle or ligament or something but I've had those before and it's never hurt like this. My God, this is really painful! All I want to do is stay in bed in all day and sleep. My cousin also went to the Rolling Stones concert yesterday; I would love to have, it's on my Bucket List but the tickets are wayyy too expensive, and one of my other cousins in Europe and his wife are spending the weekend in France(in Cannes!), and my friend J from Ottawa is in Las Vegas and my friend F (from grade 6) and his wife are in the Philippines visiting her family. It sure is a busy time for travel! My cousin who needs a kidney transplant has lost lots of weight too; he used to be a really big guy and now he's under 200 pounds you wouldn't even recognize him but he actually looks good! Early in my sickness when I'd lost 60 pounds over a few months (I've since gained back in fluid retention) I actually looked older and sick that thin and looked better,younger, and healthier fatter!

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Today's Truth.

Half A Kilo.

Yesterday while my mother was at the grocery store she picked me up this huge bag of cheeries, must have been half a kilo, maybe even more. It's my yearly summer indulgence because they're just so expensive so I only get it once a year. So I took the entire bag, sat out on the back porch on my reclining chair and enjoyed fresh cherries for lunch. It was pure Heaven and I felt like an ancient Roman, reclining and holding cherries above my fat face, chomping on them and spitting the pits into a dish and then when I was done I'd recline back, satiated, looking like a fat Buddha or Winnie the Pooh after he filled his tummy with honey. I slumped back like a drunken sailor and I was just blissed-out. It was amazing but not to be a total pig I left about 10-12 or so cherries in the bag so that I didn't quite eat them all. Oh, my God, I just love those things! Cherries, mangoes and coconuts are my fave. fruits. When I was younger I used to spit the pits as far as I could hoping they'd land somewhere and eventually grow into a tree although to my knowledge they never did but now I'm more genteel (sometimes) and spit them into a dish and throw them away. I almost didn't have a photo for this post as something was wrong and it wouldn't load my photo and the file was "corrupted"(what do you mean "corrupted?" F*ck you!) and it took half an hour trying before it finally worked(I know I could have just given up and used a Google image but that will never do; I took the photo and by God, I was going to use it!)and you know me; I'll do everything else before I'll finally give in and just reboot; I hate doing that as it takes so long and have to wait forever and I absolutely hate waiting; it's my biggest Pet Peeve; I even get all twitchy, agitated, stressed, and anxious having to wait; I'm like, Oh, hurry up! I haven't got all day here! Get ON with it already!!

My back is also really sore today, I mean hurting bad, only this time it feels like my spine, like it's been chipped, or badly bruised or something, but so bad I can hardly move and I wince every time I do but yet I have no idea why; I never injured it or anything and the abdomenal pain is bad too incl. sharp twinges and stabbing pain and I even feel it pulsing and throbbing. It's really weird....I feel like an old broken down jalopy. I need an over-haul. Getting old sucks.

Friday, June 28, 2019

Truth For The Day.

School's Out!

School's out, just like that Alice Cooper song I like! Now it's summer vacation, all except for the 12 YR old who's behind in his math and will have to do it during the summer until it's all done. it's finally feeling like summer,too, after a cool spring. Now the average temp is around 28 C with a humidex of 34 C - 38 C. It's soooo hot, in fact, I feel like I'm melting when I'm out there getting my suntan now I even have to go and cool myself off under the hose every 15 minutes or so as I feel so over-heated and like I'm getting heatstroke and am about to faint. The guy's coming to open the pool on Tuesday next week, just in time. Up until this week it hadn't been warm enough to swim but now it sure is! The neighbour across the street just opened her pool yesterday and here July is typically the hottest month.

You can see in the photo here with me tanning if you look closely you can even see the beads of sweat, Yup.Hot, sultry, scorching hot. I do like the heat, just not the humidity. It's way too hot for poor Buddy though with his fur coat and he either stays in the shade now or just goes inside. When it gets too overwhelming for me I have to go in the shade for awhile to cool off,too. I also saw a hawk fly by yesterday and a woodpeacker in our tree the other day too and when I asked the 16 YR old You'll never guess what kind of bird I saw in our tree? She goes, A peacock? yeah....ok...right.... a peacock in Canada.... not unless it escaped from the zoo, ha, also reminds me of that time playing Trivial Pursuit as a teen and I got the question What is the correct name of a female peacock? and I just thought they were all called my mother prompts me, Well, what's the opposite of cock? and I just automatically blurted out Cunt.....oh, my God! You mean it's actually called a peaCUNT? and she laughed and goes, No! HEN! It's a peaHEN! ha ha, ooops.

I was also excited to get a new book to read and the 24 YR old says reading is for "nerds" and even though I live in a family of nerds I am NOT a nerd and reading is NOT for nerds; I don't like math, anime, superheroes,Dungeons & Dragons, etc. and I have a shaved head, tattoos, smoke weed, and like heavy music; I am NOT a nerd and I publically declare I am not a nerd. There's nothing wrong with being a nerd, mind you, but he's trying to say that I'm something I'm not. I think I got ripped-off, too: it's been 2 months  since I ordered that weed T-shirt and PAID for it but it still hasn't arrived and I sent multiple e-mails to the company asking about the status of my order and still never got a figures, just my "luck"....typical.

Thought For The Day.