Saturday, June 29, 2019

Half A Kilo.

Yesterday while my mother was at the grocery store she picked me up this huge bag of cheeries, must have been half a kilo, maybe even more. It's my yearly summer indulgence because they're just so expensive so I only get it once a year. So I took the entire bag, sat out on the back porch on my reclining chair and enjoyed fresh cherries for lunch. It was pure Heaven and I felt like an ancient Roman, reclining and holding cherries above my fat face, chomping on them and spitting the pits into a dish and then when I was done I'd recline back, satiated, looking like a fat Buddha or Winnie the Pooh after he filled his tummy with honey. I slumped back like a drunken sailor and I was just blissed-out. It was amazing but not to be a total pig I left about 10-12 or so cherries in the bag so that I didn't quite eat them all. Oh, my God, I just love those things! Cherries, mangoes and coconuts are my fave. fruits. When I was younger I used to spit the pits as far as I could hoping they'd land somewhere and eventually grow into a tree although to my knowledge they never did but now I'm more genteel (sometimes) and spit them into a dish and throw them away. I almost didn't have a photo for this post as something was wrong and it wouldn't load my photo and the file was "corrupted"(what do you mean "corrupted?" F*ck you!) and it took half an hour trying before it finally worked(I know I could have just given up and used a Google image but that will never do; I took the photo and by God, I was going to use it!)and you know me; I'll do everything else before I'll finally give in and just reboot; I hate doing that as it takes so long and have to wait forever and I absolutely hate waiting; it's my biggest Pet Peeve; I even get all twitchy, agitated, stressed, and anxious having to wait; I'm like, Oh, hurry up! I haven't got all day here! Get ON with it already!!

My back is also really sore today, I mean hurting bad, only this time it feels like my spine, like it's been chipped, or badly bruised or something, but so bad I can hardly move and I wince every time I do but yet I have no idea why; I never injured it or anything and the abdomenal pain is bad too incl. sharp twinges and stabbing pain and I even feel it pulsing and throbbing. It's really weird....I feel like an old broken down jalopy. I need an over-haul. Getting old sucks.

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