Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Increased Natural Disasters.

You can't help but notice lately all the increased, more frequent and worsening natural disasters occurring: the bad flooding, wildfires, tornadoes, hurricanes, tsunamis,earthquakes, etc. and the enviro freaks want to alarm people and use scare tactics to bring them to their cause of earth worship and environmentalism by calling it such things as Global Warming  and Climate Change ,etc. trying to say it's human-caused and an environmental disaster but really it was prophesized in the Bible thousands of years ago: it's in the Book of Revelation where it warns us that in the End Times and the Last Days before Jesus' return and the Judgement there will be increased, unusual and worsening natural disasters along with wars, unusual weather patterns, enmity, hate, division, call what is bad good and what is good bad, etc. and we can clearly see all of this unfolding right now, in our time today.

Society can deny it all they want, re-name it to whatever they want, call it an environmental disaster if they want, deny Bible prophesy if they want, brush off God's warnings if they want, etc. but it doesn't change anything, it doesn't make it any less so, it doesn't make it not real, it won't make it stop or go away, it won't slow it down or do anything, because the sin of the world; we have brought it upon ourselves by continued disobedience to God, despite repeated warnings. Those faithful to God and His Word need not worry, however, as their place is guaranteed, but the others not so much. The faithful have Glory in Eternity to look forward to, so for them this is an exciting time as we know something good is coming soon; the signs are all here and we can see them as we know what to look for but the others are blind.

For believers seeing all these natural disasters peak is like watching for signs of spring: once you see the birds return, the milder weather, the rain come, the buds open, the grass turning green,etc. you know spring is near by the signs. It's the same thing here. We can see Jesus is near because we can recognize the signs. We are in the Last Days, the End Times now. The signs foretold in the prophecy are being fulfilled now. It has nothing to do with pollution or the environment  and no amount of worshipping Mother Earth will stop it.Environmentalism has become the New World Religion. It is nothing more than idol worship.  This is the price we pay when we turn away from God.
It's not due to Global Warming or Climate Change, etc. It's due to disobedience.

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Tuesday Thoughts.

This year just started and it already feels like i should kill myself-User000000