Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Say What?

So yesterday I go get the ultrasound on my bladder done and I hop up on the table and say to the tech about getting the cyst on my bladder checked and she goes, non-chalantly, Oh, it doesn't say anything here about a cyst; I'm looking for a tumour and I'm just like Say WHAT? No one ever said anything to me about a tumour and then she said the last scan showed my bladder had what looked like 'folding" on it which can indicate a tumour so this time they're checking it again just in case.
Oh, ok.....
A tumour would make sense though why I have blood repeatedly showing up in my urine when tested,although not visible to the naked eye, and my abdomenal pain, and perhaps even sore back, and now frequent urination after a spell of NOT going pee much. I thought it was my kidneys, which it might also be; they could both be affected since they do work together and if it is a cancer it could have spread from one to the other and I wouldn't be surprised if in the uterus too, and maybe that was even where it started? results take about a week(they never tell you the results right there; you have to wait for the doctor's resport)....I'm also still waiting for the biopsy results from the uterine lining which should be ready sometime this week although I don't see the doctor for another 2 weeks.

I did a Google search on bladder cancer and it said often the only symptom is blood in the urine, or at least until it becomes very advanced and then other symptoms can include fluid retnetin esp, in the legs and swollen,tired, achy legs which I have had for a long time and it said it can also be linked to the heridetary Lynch Syndrome where you have colon cancer in your family like I do and also is connected to uterine, bladder, and other urinary and digestive cancers, so it does kind of make me wonder. Another of my cousins also said he now needs a kidney transplant now too, just like his father does, and he's only 40 or 41, making me wonder if there's some kind of genetic kidney defect in our family as well, and I told him I'd give him one of mine but mine are shit,too and every time I get blood work done it shows increasing decline in the kidneys.

This is also the first thing the 24 YR old made with his new 3D printer: a cute little puppy! That thing is just so fascinating I could just sit there and stare at it all day and watch it go to work. I have no idea how it works, of course, but it's amazing. Him and my hubby had to assemble it, which, of course, I could never do. Even with instructions I can never assemble stuff. I just don't get it and I still remember that time my mother and I spent all weekend trying to asseble a bookshelf and it ended up backwards. That's why we always hire people who know that they're doing to assemble stuff for us. My hubby snorts that if you don't know how to asseble things you don't "deserve" to have them. F*ck him! If that were the case then I don't deserve to have anything. I think for the $$$$ you pay for things they should already come assembled,and why should you have to do all the work? What next....selling cars in pieces too and you have to assemble it?

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