Monday, June 24, 2019

Summer Daze.

Peonies in our garden. It's also finally warm like summer should be: 27 C. We have to get our pool open!

My sunflower babies. They are really enjoying being outside full-time now they're bigger and stronger. They really seem to enjoy their new-found freedom and are growing nice and big and tall.

Check out this awesome dragonfly! I like them as I think they're cool but esp. since they eat pesky mosquitoes.

The Best Dog In The World.

Me enjoying outside before church yesterday.

This is my view from our front porch. it's shady so it's kind of hard to see but on the right is one of our white pillars ( I have always loved pillars) and the big Maple tree at the front of our house like the one we had at our old Toronto house.

The newly-minted 18 YR old also decreed as her first  decision as an adult now is to no longer go to church anymore but I keep praying just like for all the kids who have lost their faith, and like my priest said, all you can do is your best and leave the rest up to God. The seed has been planted and hopefully one day it will take root and grow. The 24 YR old also got this cool 3D printer and he said he'll make me a little hippo!

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