Friday, June 7, 2019


Yesterday was finally a nice proper spring day! It got up to 23 C! It's supposed to be like that for the next 3 days as well! Yahoo! It was a typical day as well as I was outside all day, with 3 HRS of that in direct sun keeping up the tan I got in Jamaica. I also listening to some sweet music.

Buddy enjoyed the outdoors as well and for the past few days in a row I keep having this recurring nightmare too someone steals him and won't give him back and it's so agonizing as each day goes by without him and I have to go to court to try and get him back. It's just awful and every morning I wake up in a panic thinking it's real and he's really gone but am relieved to find out it was just a dream and he's safe sleeping soundly beside me.

My sunflowers are doing really well, too, now week 5. The newly-graduated 20 YR old also got the job she wanted and applied for in Ottawa and her starting salary is already twice what my mother gets with her pension,and she doesn't just get the typical gov't pension,either, but extra from the hospital she worked at.too.The 23 YR old also got her degree in Psychology but is continuing on to get her Masters and PhD. I'm also pretty sure I found a lump in my left boob, under the nipple. It had been sore for a few days and then when I was laying down on my belly tanning it felt like I was laying on a rock or something so I checked and there was nothing there and the lump was actually inside, the size of a small grape and had a dimple on the outside. It might just be a normal part of the anatomy, but I never noticed it before. In any case, when I finally get to see the Gyno I'll mention it to him.

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