Wednesday, July 17, 2019


After much reading and taking surveys I discovered that my personality type is Empath. I am highly spiritual and intuitive and I am able to connect with others, incl. animals and nature, on a deeper level, experience deja-vu, feel deep emotions, feel like I carry the weight of the world, fight oppression and injustice, feel I'm not from this place and don't belong here, am a highly sensitive soul, pay attention to my "gut" instinct, dreams, intuition and prophecy, etc. and that's so true and perfectly sums up my personality, feelings, who I am, why I've never fit in and have always been different and my "separateness" and "otherworldliness" I have always felt apart from others, along with my Asperger's and Bipolar, making my life a very isolated, lonely and misundertood one.

As well, My hubby got some very bad news: his dad had a bad seizure caused by either a stroke or a brain bleed; they're not quite sure, but he's in organ failure and doesn't have much time left( he's 86) and it hit him really hard and he doesn't take death or dying well and with his mental issues he just broke down and went catatonic and regressed and had another of his "episodes" and a whole new "personality" was created ( he already had 12 of them; now he has 13)from the trauma and he didn't know who I was and called me Strange Lady and didn't even recognize the kids or even know who he was or where he was or what year it was. It was really bad and usually when he gets like this I use a special technique and I can get him out of it and "restore" him but this time it took forever to work, hours and he's still not "right" and he's still 'fragile" and at the time he was downright chilling and frightening; he had this pure look of coldness, evil, hate and rage in his eyes I'd never seen before; it was the look of a madman, like someone posessed and he stared me down in a challenging menacing way but I stared at him right back; he doesn't intimidate me, but I have to say it was unnerving and for awhile there I half-expected him to lunge at me and grab me around the throat and start squeezing or something he was so ....sinister.....and they say that I'M the crazy one?????? I had some "fun" with the situation too though; while he wasn't "himself" I had him grooving to Reggae( which he hates normally) and when he asked me who I was I told him my name was Jive-Ass Motherf*cker because he never swears normally so I thought it would be hilarious to have him do all these things he never would normally.

The 24 YR old's also going to Amsterdam and Belgium in October to visit friends and he's been before when he was 11 when I took him and the oldest across Europe but he doesn't really remember much of that trip they were both so jet-lagged with the time difference they slept right thru most of it. I've been to Amsterdam twice,actually, and my friend I (from Ottawa) is going back in 2 weeks; he spent most of his youth there.My mother also found out her friend (age 75) has colon cancer and is dying and I get my biopsy results tomorrow afternoon and she gets her hip X-ray the next day,too. It's going to be a hard, emotional, stressful week for us....

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