Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Pool Open!

Yesterday the pool guy came and opened the pool for the season as now it's hot enough to swim finally; today going to up 30 C with humidex of 38 C but it looks like a swamp now having stood still and uncirculating over many months so we have to wait a few days for the chemicals to circulate and for the water to warm up a bit before we can use it but I can't wait to dive in and there's nothing more refreshing than jumping into a nice cold pool on a scorching hot summer day! It's also nice to take a nice cold plunge while I'm suntanning too to cool off. My hubby and mother are always harping about how the pool is such an expense and such a waste of $$$$ yap, yap, yap, but that's only because they don't swim and as always whenever it's something for me or that I like it's never "worth" it. Oh, well, f*ck 'em!

My sunflowers are also thriving, unlike last year, and are growing nice and big and tall and even are starting to get little buds on top. My mother had the 16 YR old plant a garden for her at the front ( I used to do it but now with my bad back I can't bend over like that anymore) and she complained the entire time and did a half-assed job, incl. not even digging holes for some of the flowers and just leaving them there on top, not even bothering to bury them and my mother told her give them lots of love and water.... and she groused, I'm NOT giving them any love! and marched off, but I give my sunflowers lots of love (I even talk to them) and look at how nice and big they're growing!

I also ate the best watermelon ever yesterday,too, so nice and juicy the juice just ran down my chin. That's how you know it's good. I also swallowed what I thought at first was a seed but it went down hard and sharp and felt big and got stuck in there and I started gagging and choking and coughing and eventually it went down but felt stuck in my throat for awhile..... holy shit, I wonder what it was? In any case I suppose it will eventually pass thru....I've also always wondered with seedless watermelon then how do you grow more watermelon without any seeds? Poor Buddy hated the fireworks the other night,too and was so scared he alternated between shaking and hiding under my bed and coming out and cuddling with me under the covers for comfort. It's kind of "funny" too how some see Jamaica as a "Third World" country(even though I don't see it that way) and I live in a "First World" country but I'm much happier in Jamaica and where I feel most at home. I guess for me it's not about the economy and material stuff but more about where you feel the most alive , the most welcome, where you most belong and best fit in, and where you feel the most content with life.

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