Monday, July 15, 2019

The Festival.

My mother and I went to a multicultural festival.I got this cool Bob Marley shirt and had mango soda from Mexico and Momos from Tibet. My hubby came too as he had to drive us. I go every year to browse the vendors but mainly for the food! She can't walk around that much anymore (I hardly can either) so I usually just bring her back some food but this year for some reason she decided she wanted to try and go and eat there for her birthday dinner. I warned her it would be too much walking; that even I have a hard time with it and there's no way she'd be able to do it but the stubborn old lady insisted, so off we went, her included....

I was right.

She couldn't do it. I barely made it and at the end I could hardly breathe and had to wait for my hubby to go get the car he parked so far away like he always does everywhere we go even though he knows nerither she or I can walk far and get tired and out of breath; it's almost like he does it on purpose on something just to torture us; he parks as far away as possible so you practically need to take a shuttle bus to the entrance of the event/store, etc. She kept limping and hobbling along slowly, complaining the whole time what a big mistake she made and how she shouldn't have come etc. and then this EMS golf-cart thing rode by and she tried to hitch a ride  with them, begging and pleading using the Old Lady Card saying how she's old and tired and can't walk and needs a ride and this kind of shit might work at the airport but it didn't fly here; they refused(it was only for those in medical distress) and she was livid and the look on her face was priceless. She's not used to not getting her way and she's used to manipulating people, using guilt and getting everyone to serve and wait on her, only this time it didn't work.She ended up sitting down most of the time waiting for my hubby and I sat with her part of the time and I finally saw him emerge, his bright orange shirt and his stupid face.....and then wouldn't you know it he got distracted as always and went off talking to someone and still took forever, making us wait.

This is me also trying to be sexy. HA! It's my Whore of Babylon pose. Yeah.....I don't do "sexy". My mother and I also both got mammograms booked together on the same day in September I dubbed Boob Day and I joked we should go out afterwards to a really trashy lingere shop and buy these slutty bras that we'll never wear in honour of the occasion, ha,ha. The weed shirt I ordered from the UK also got refused at customs (I found out as I'm tracking the delivery) and was returned to the company, but they never e-mailed me and said anything about it, so hopefully it's just a minor thing they can fix( such as they forgot some paperwork or something) and eventually I'll still get it. With my luck though I won't, but if there continues to be an issue shipping it here maybe I can have them re-direct it to someone I know in the UK and then just have then re-package it and mail it to me as I don't think customs is as picky with personal items being shipped with inspections and such as they are with businesses, companies, etc...maybe it'll have a better chance of getting thru?

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