Friday, August 9, 2019


It's trending on Twitter now to post a photo of yourself at 5 years old and give yourself 3 words of advice to your 5 year old self for future reference and mine were this:

You will never get better-looking
The best part of your life will be over by the time you're 12
You shouldn't marry him and you will regret having kids

As well I would also add this advice to my younger self, things I wish I had known then but would soon learn the hard way as I got older:

You can't trust anyone
Being molested as a kid will impact you more than you think and more than you realize
You will be bullied for  2  1/2 years but it will scar you for the rest of your life
When you are 13 depression will hit hard and it will be a life-long battle
You will have to endure many traumas, hardships, trials, misfortunes, bad luck, unhappiness, and hearbreak in life but you will survive; you are a warrior
You are alot stronger than you think
Don't let anyone dull your shine
You are a free spirit
You will never be like other people and that's ok
Hope for the best but expect the worst
You can never please everyone anyway so do whatever's best for YOU
You'd be better off staying single
Your dreams will end up becoming nightmares
It's usually the ones you least expect
You will be used, deceived,lied to, and betrayed many, many times, and mostly by the people you thought you could trust the most
No one will ever love you
Things are never as they seem
You will never find true happiness but you are a dreamer and you will never stop hoping
All things must pass
God is always by your side; you are never truly alone
Be kind but take no shit
You'll never find it, but keep looking
When you first meet him, run far, far away
Always trust your gut-instinct
Never settle
Ignore the haters; they're not worth it
Don't care what other people think
Do what's right, even when no one else is looking
Enjoy the Little Things

As well, my friend T (from the old church) had her baby last night, a boy. She's 46.It's even more amazing too as it was conceived all-naturally, no IVF or any medical intervention and she's had previous fertility problems,too, making it even more of a miracle, and talk about life changes; not only does she have a new baby now but her oldest is going off to university in the fall and her other is starting highschool! The girls' friend is also visiting from California and my cousins are going to California on vacation (it's a 12 hour flight for them!) next week too, and they need a visa to go to USA,too; we don't (I only needed a visa for Russia; I went during the old Soviet-era in 1985, and for Israel) but they're Eurpoean so I guess if you're coming from Europe you need one? Amnesty International has also posted a travel advisory to USA due to all the gun violence and recent mass shootings there too yet the Americans insist that they don't have a gun problem.....yeah.....right.... they blame it on a "heart problem" and on mental illness and violent video games, etc..... well, they have "heart problems", mental illness, and violent video games in other countries too but they don't have the gun violence, school and mass shootings like they do in USA; the only difference is the Americans' sick fascination, love, and obsession with's the guns....they have a BIG gun problem....

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