Thursday, August 15, 2019

Adieu, My Beauties.

This is probably the last of my sunflower posts as the last 2 of my flowers are dying now and I will have to say goodbye. Look closely; can you see the bee? It's getting cooler in the nights and mornings now too and getting closer to fall. This morning it's just 12 C and I'm already starting to see orange leaves. Nooooooooo! Say it isn't so! Summer is almost over!!

Sunlight on a sunflower.

Some nasty little motherf*cker also ate a couple of chunks out of my beautiful sunflower. I'm guessing a squirrel. Little bastard! Look again; do you see there are 2 bees in there!


Leaves and stalks. Some of the stems are as thick as my finger!

My mother also found out while picking up her meds at the pharmacy that her doctor's been away for the past month and doesn't come back until Monday next week (I wonder if he's away and went back to India to visit family, or maybe he's even sick himself(he's not a young man) or had surgery?) so there still could be something that showed up on her X-rays afterall; he just hasn't seen the report yet...I also have this nagging feeling that something's "up" with the 16 YR old; that she's struggling in some way again; what I call my "Spy Senses"; I have this sort of "radar" that can detect when something's "off", and lately she's been grumpy, hasn't kept up washing her hair or showering, and the other day she came home from work all jacked up, hyper, talking a mile a minute, like she was on fast-forward , like a whirl-wind, and she had all this energy she cleaned her was like she was high on cocaine or Uppers or something and I sat her down and asked her about it but she insisted I'm fine, I'm good.... and said it was just the caffeine from the 2 coffees she had  and I want to believe her but I'm still skeptical...I'd hate to think she's taking drugs or into some other sort of trouble but I just can't seem to shake this feeling. Either way I pray on it and know God will reveal to me what I need and if she is struggling again with anything what I need to do to help her.

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